2018-12-22 – “Temples of the New Earth”

Late December 2018

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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Chapter Name

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Chrysalis Temple

New Years at Ahimsa

The sense of freedom opens before us as the car manifests into form. A desire burns in me, for the connection and right relationship with the community, for the success and sovereignty. Its a thing of balance … between the friction of frustration and the recognition of that which I desire, and where I haven’t felt met in some recent interactions.

Every breath, I drop into the soothing textures of the Aina, I intentionally reassert the inner asana of gratitude, as we make our way towards the ocean.

“Its forgiveness.” Peter says, as he has many times before.

At the waters, I draw upon for healing, the forgiveness to clear the way.

A new sense of alignment comes to the fore, as we head to the coastal town of Paia. Where the totem of the lion emerges within me, the fierce grace of my surrendered service to that which wants to come through.

Here, we encounter Lucinda Loves and James, who invite us to visit where they reside, the Chrysalis Temple, in coming times.

Return of the Love Tribe

Looking for places to stay, I see a listing for a place in “Heaven on Earth”, and call them, where there is a resonance as I share of our mission, even though it isn’t where we will come to reside. They share with me a gathering happening that night at the Temple of Peace with the Love Tribe, who I hadn’t seen since my time at Standing Rock.

The tribe gathers, as the live art forms, vibrations emerge, and old connections remind. I see a brother I hadn’t since Crestone, surprised, I step outside to gather my thoughts. Old regrets arise, as I work to forgive.

I see the murals as living totems, reminding me of both the fierce grace and devotion required on the path. I go within, I face all my past disappointment with the community, and I breathe, once again, and forgive.

It’s difficult, to change. But things clear. I come back inside, where I encounter Peter and our un-named ally. Kundra and Lucinda say hi, and I see Satya once again. Her amulet reminds me of those I saw at the Drunvalo Melchizedek shop in Sedona.

The energies of the Divine Mother flow through her, as she becomes a sacred mirror. There is a healing that can open in the space, as she meets me in compassion and the wisdom she has gained. Again, it’s surrender that’s reflected, and allowing myself to let loose and be wild and free. I can be such a monk. It was imbalanced, a pattern I would set to correct.

Resting that night on the beach, the Aina rejuvenates me as continue my morning meditations with the ocean.

A King’s Shadow

As we get the last of our things into the car, to head to the beach with the last of resource we have, we get a message. We had an arrangement with an un-named ally to have an exchange, we would help him with healing and open him to the realms, so he could get closer to manifesting what he wanted in life. He would provide us with money and get us a place to stay.

There felt to be a crunching in feeling around the quality of value, that we tracked to the solar plexus. When confronted on it, he exploded in anger and defense at Peter and I. Peter shared that he calmly brought it up, while I was away, and I arrived to have a conversation with this ally alone. I tried to convey to him that this is an energetic thing, that causes the thought patterns. The back and forth doubting and fear, of withholding one’s resources when there is enough to go around.

He unleashed on me his anger, unconscious of his own projections. Even though I was very calm with him, I was treating him with respect and clearly expressing each thing, willing to answer any question he had why I felt the way I did about his behavior. Which was basically that he was wavering and not just following through, trusting, keeping his word.

He kept pushing into me, and began to become insulting and demeaning. I could not withstand his behavior, and an immense energy of power surged through my body. I felt the lion unlock. Before I knew it, I was fiercely meeting every energy, not backing down, reflecting all the projections back. I became enraged by the behavior, but it was like a purifying shivic fire. It was odd, I had never felt anything like it. It had this quality of destroying illusions.

“Don’t you see this is all trust with you!” He retorts. It was difficult, as this had been a deep wound along the Quest, where my very trust in the community had been in question because of a general lack of support and follow through. Yet, he was unaware that he himself was questioning the very value we had given him, forgetting how our connections had helped bring him deeper into the New Paradigm, out of the limitations of the concrete jungle. He began to withhold sharing of resource, yet, he would come through. In time, we’d come to see it’s all a part of a larger healing.

Ahimsa Sanctuary

We are invited to a potluck at a place called Ahimsa, which I come to discover as a New Earth Temple. Food and fellowship, music and stories are shared. We tell of the Mythica.

Founded by Blue Mountain, who Peter met at the Temple of Peace, this is a permaculture farm and temple for sacred gatherings, music and community.

(Video of Goddess music)

Entering the main hall, there is a heart flame emblazoned by the sun with wings.

We share our song, moving the audience, and are invited to come share our music at the New Year’s gathering.

Stepping out, fulfillment and new beginnings is in the air.

Chrysalis Temple

We journey on to a Christmas gathering of star family and love at the Chrysalis Temple. Blessed by the rose waters, my heart blossoms open.

It was beautiful, to be met in the resonance. Here I first met Daniel White, a priestess muse. Her and Lucinda worked their magic together to put on the event.

They each move around the space, anointing us each oils, healing touch and sound. I soften, surrendering to allow the devotional love energies to permeate my being. The textures shifting with the luminescent pink…

I’m shifting realms, deeper to Love, to Community, to Wholeness and Alignment.

Everything comes up in the ritual. All of my past issues with relationships, with giving and receiving love, with family and community. All centered around a shadow of the heart, a blockage centered around the Anahata Chakra.

I breathe within the rhythm of the signing bowls, softening to receive the Love. It’s difficult, and I feel overwhelmed by the pain. I go out to the waters, the hot-tub where I invoke ho’oponopono, holding a crystal tetrahedron, clearing the stagnant energy by drawing upon the sacred waters. Everything starts to open, and I return inside, where I witness the tribe.

The divine masculine embodies through James, giving his sincere praises to the sacred feminine.

Christmas. The Christ being a theme, of the redemption of the lineages of Kristos and Magdalene. As Daniel speaks on this, I feel the akashic records channeling through. That we are here to clear our way back to Divine Love and Truth. We are the Collective, here to restore the Garden.

I share a channeled song with Peter, bringing through these energies. Heading upstairs, I see the signs of ancient Egypt, sacred union and the grail. The Divine Reflection of the ongoing divination within the Akash.

The Cup of Love… had I found it at last? I wondered. Is the love that I desire going to become more present? Have I healed enough to receive the Beloved?

Even this is a special kind of foolishness. Even in thinking I have “made it” somewhere, the path is endless. Opening to further vistas of opportunities to be the Lover of Life, herself.

A wayshrine upon the path, the qualities reminding me of the sacredness of the Quest. Still, of how I am led to these temples of tantra, where priestesses and magicians abound.

I invoked a love spell, to attract a lover.

Returning to the PLOG

Returning to the Parking Lot of the Gods, we encounter the Sacred Gardens and a labrynth.

“Can you just do this?” Peter asks, looking back at me, skipping over the labyrinth to go straight to the center, putting his hands in prayer pose. I wondered what he meant at the time, asking, is it still sacred? But really, I feel he was showing me, skip the maze, there is no maze. Go to the Center. Go straight to the Source.

It’s humbling and beautiful to see how it takes time to grow, to come to see things, to admire all the facets of this wondrous Creation.

Sensing the Gridwork

Walking down the streets of Paia, I share my dream with Peter of being in a pure place of fruit forests and sacred space. “That’s rare,” He says. “But it must be possible, in the all that is.” I reply.

A conversation sparks between us, inspired by a comment he made at Mandala Creations admiring my relationship with the geomancies of the temples of the earth.

“I was born into the patterns of the old temple to embody the movement to the new.” I say.

“Such is your divine function.” Peter replies.

“It takes a devoted discernment and requires sovereignty, because most everyone is running the patterns of the old paradigm. So you can’t rely on them to tell you what is and how to be.”

“You’ve had to embody that in order to make the progression.”

“Everyone’s a temple keeper. The whole world is a temple.”

“Right, but whether they know it or not is another thing.”

“Whole civilizations are made of how we tend to the elements of our being. To create a new civilization you have to be the thing that it requires, which means shifting the patterns of your relationship with the creation.“

“We are the emissaries of the new earth.”

The Grid of Gaia

A vision I’ve been clarifying since my Awakening comes to me again.

“I see you and I as carrying these codes of light, along with Satya, Adam Apollo, Drunvalo Malchelzadek, and Nassim Haramein, and many others. All to serve the emergence of the new world. That of the resonance harmonics, relationship with the Aina and the gridwork of collective consciousness.”

“Exactly, and the Mythica was created to show this and how we are all connected in bringing that forward.”

Passing a storefront on the way to the beach, an auspicious sign appears.

Encountering Satya, her being connected with the Resonance Project, being led to the Temple of Peace, on to the Ahimsa Sanctuary and Chrysalis Temple, is all a reflection of our emergent gridwork.

Rainbow Isle

The rainbow road continues to unfold. Upon the night, I meet a traveling goddess, as we share our journeys of spiritual awakening. We speak of equanimity and mindfulness, of authenticity and chakras, of trusting the journey and learning to listen to Spirit. Resting under a tree, a rainbow vista opens.

The portal between the treescape opens to a magnificent rainbow, as I embrace it, I feel the textures of my being shifting, expanding and liberating into new potentials.

“This must be Heaven on Earth.” I think to myself, as bliss courses through my being, and I feel the purity of the sacred land within and without.

Invoking the New Year at Ahimsa

Following the invitation we had received during our last visit, to come and share music, we journey to Ahimsa for the New Years party.

Excited to join in the magic, I gather my gear and head in. There is an issue at the door, where we weren’t put on the list. Peter negotiates getting us in, but it was obvious to us the vibrations around money was very tight, that we wouldn’t be let in if we didn’t pay (which we weren’t told about in our invite), and the fact that we were invited to play wasn’t remembered or regarded.

This was deeply disappointing to me, and I spent much of the first part of the ritual working to clear it. I could feel it again around the solar plexus, a distortion of value in the field of the collective. I questioned how I would speak on such things, but ultimately, there must be honesty and addressing of the patterns if we seek to heal them, no blame, no shame.

I took responsibility for my portion of the collective distortion, breathing forgiveness through the blockage as a ritual of ho’oponopono. This cleared and opened up the subtle energies to flow through my nervous system, as I headed upstairs, to witness the tribe and connect with the music and dancing.

music, dancing and fellowship, shadows and trials and triumphs.

Characters Appearing

Danielle White Kundra Rose Lucinda Loves Peter Fae Satya Douglas

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