Mythos Academy was created to help the modern-day adventurer see their life as the heroic quest that it is, bringing together the various components of the yoga of story into a cohesive framework for understanding the landscape of one’s heroic adventure. She is the result of my twenty years of exploration into the nature of self-development in the context of the heroic landscape and it’s relationship with the planet.
A Quick Intro to the Academy
The core thesis of Mythos Academy is that we are all connected, all part of the planetary consciousness expressing itself through an infinite number of forms and stories. It’s the idea that our life and it’s sacred journey is intrinsically a part of the earth, and that what we experience as our “outer” experience has a corresponding “inner” experience that is part of the planet herself.
In the Academy we take this concept to another level to show how the subtle inner landscape of our personal story actually has a basis in the planet herself, that there is a layer of stories which exists within our consciousness that we all move through on our journeys through life.

Key to understanding this is recognizing that all of our unique stories and their embodied mythologies are part of something larger – a Great Story which connects us all in a transforming and emerging world. What this means is that whatever your story is, it has a deeper layer to it that connects to everyone else. It means looking at our stories, at the ideas which drive us forward, and at our relationship with the larger story of our shared transformation in a new way.
We are not separate from the planet, but part of a much larger subtle ecosystem of elemental embodiment, and are born with a soul mission to help transform our world for the brighter. In Mythos Academy, we learn what it means to be made of the elements and to use those elements to empower ourselves, gradually coming to dissolve the illusion of separation between our selves, each other, and the world.

Here we learn that As we do this, we move through an inner and outer world, each of which has it’s own geography and mechanics. By coming to see these worlds and their context, we discover the landscape of our heroic quest.
To transform this landscape of inner impressions and their outward effect on our reality is a craft which requires understanding the nature of healing and wholeness, about what it means to be on the path and the land, and to find one’s way to a new version of their world.
You are Here - The Axis Mundi
There are many worlds within world, existing within an subtle ecosystem of myth and mystery that exists within the world we already know. It is the world of stories and the world of patterns, of our traumas and trials and treasure, and it holds the landscape to all heroic journeys that have ever been. It is the world of the Mythica, the layer of legend that exists within what we see on the surface of the world, and it is real.

To understand the Mythica, we must understand the idea of the axis mundi, that we are the center of our personal universe. This is the idea that there is a relationship between our inner vibrational state and our outer experience, and that this relationship creates the landscape of the Path and Land that supports our sacred Quest.

The idea that our inner world manifests our outer circumstances is notoriously difficult to translate, for it requires a certain degree of perception to even recognize it’s existence. Simply put, if we can’t perceive the energies within ourselves clearly we can’t see how they’re creating our outer world. Because of this, the journey outward is always a journey inward, gradually discovering the trials and treasures within that manifest as our outer world.
It is the nature of the Gift of Life that makes this so intricate, for every being lives in their own set of conditions – their own hopes, their own dreams, their own fears and talents, all existing in their unique facet of the universe.

Our path wasn’t just our movement on the surface of the world. It wasn’t just an objective look at our position in latitude and longitude, but something vaster and more inclusive, something that included the subjective inner landscapes of vibration that lay beneath the surface of our story. Such was the layer of our stories, of our subconscious and metaconscious patterns, of the hidden landscapes of the mind and it’s manifestations which played out as our sacred quest, and I worked to map out that landscape, to find the place where what was above and what was below, where what was within and what was without met each other and formed our personality reality.

Our path is both physical and psychic, moving through a landscape of subconscious and archetypical patterns which are more constant and enduring than what we encounter on the surface of the world. It is the movement through these patterns, through their healing and our resolution which defines our journey through the archetypical world of our own sacred path.
How then, to create a map made of a liquid substance that still held enough constancy to be read? How to create something which showed the constant principles of manifestation while also honoring their unique expression? How to create the maps of our myth and the landscapes of our legend in a way that helped the people discover their own sacred self? At the core this is understanding there is no separation between you and the land – that we are a part of the planet and that everywhere we arrive on our Quest is related to our path and it’s purpose.

Like the surface world, the Mythica had many territories, many vibrational geographies which existed both within and without the self. It was a landscape of colors, of vibrational geographies which underlay our experience, and inspired by the travels of Alice in WonderlandI called it the underlands, the lands-below-the-land. They were the territories of our subconscious, of the myths and legends that made up our selves and their stories, and in accordance of the principle of “As Above – So Below and As Within – So Without” they were made of the energies within ourselves, of the vibrational colors and textures which made up our chakras and energetic architecture.
Our path was a movement through these energies, through a landscape of subconscious and archetypical patterns which were more constant and enduring than what we encountered on the surface of the world. It was a movement through these patterns, through their healing and our resolution which defined the path of self-development in a spatial way and the landscapes of our personal legend, and I resolved to create a way to share those landscapes with the people, to give a context for our content in the shared journey to a more abundant world.
Key to understanding this is realizing that there is a collective field in the planet which mirrors our individual consciousness, that there is a landscape of patterns which exist in the planet which are connected to what we experience in our individual self.
This reframes the idea of personal development from the individual to the collective, helping us to anchor the very real fact that our movement through the outer and inner worlds of our Quest are happening at once.
From Individual to Collective - The Tree of Life

At the core of the idea of the Mythica is the idea of the subtle earth, that there is a layer to our experience which is part of the earth herself and which corresponds to the personal mythologies and subconscious patterns which define our quest. It is the energetic landscape which exists simultaneous to what we experience on the surface of our world, and is always there, supporting the very substance of our stories.
What we experience as our everyday reality is just the surface layer of a much deeper ecosystem, an intricate web of roots and branches of subtle substance that define the synchronicities of our lives. In the Mythica you’ll learn to understand that landscape, to make sense of the patterns on your path and the landscape of your legend in the context of the Tree and Grove of Life itself.

This is looking at the heroic journey of being human in a new way. It means coming to see that there is a subtle layer to our lives and that our movement through life happens in the territories which exist in that subtle place. It is seeing the journey of healing, the movement through the shadows and subconscious patterns which constrict our realities across the landscape of our legend. It is the quest to know thy self seen in it’s modern format as an exploration of the many territories of the subtle earth beneath the surface of our self and it’s story.
Yet in an even greater way this is coming to see that there is no separation between ourselves and the planet, that what we are experiencing in our personal life is intimately related to what everyone else is experiencing and that from a certain perspective what we consider to be our individual selves can more appropriately be seen as cells within the organism of the planet herself. In this way, the framework for Into the Mythica speaks to a new way of seeing ourselves and our stories, of seeing the journey of healing through self and shadow in the context of our larger collective consciousness and as part of the planet and the universe.
The Layers of the Land
Just like there are layers to our individual consciousness there are layers to the land, collective fields made from the vibrational impressions of our many minds and their missions across the globe.

In the context of the heroic journey, the Mythica is the Special World – she is the place where our stories are born and where they form our personal and collective mythologies on the surface of the world.