Support Into the Mythica: Unite in the Great Story of Our Time

Our Mission - The Return to the Garden

All our stories are about the return to nature.  To the health, wholeness and harmony that comes from alignment with the natural world.  In the Mythica, our intention is to reveal the nature of our nature, to show the journey of the self in the context of it’s return to the natural world.  Through the presentation of our media, we aim to show the nature of the Tree of Life in an evolutionary way, revealing the collective shape of our stories and shared connections in service to a New Earth.

Our Vision - A media for the new mythology

Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, spoke of the need for a new mythology for our emerging age. Into the Mythica presents this new mythology, showcasing the heroic journey of personal transformation intertwined with the planet’s subtle ecosystem. Through our authors, courses, and media, we aim to educate and inspire, helping people discover their place and purpose in the Great Story that connects us all.

Into the Mythica is a network for the modern myth, aiming to facilitate the transformation of consciousness on both the individual and collective level.  Here, we honor the journey of every individual as part of a greater collective narrative, reflecting the profound truth that we are all interconnected within the substance of Gaia herself.

Empowering the Heroic Journey - Revealing the Heroic Landscape

Our stories have a landscape—a subtle geography of archetypes and vibrational energies shaping our journey. As we transform, we walk our unique path, discovering our unity with the universe, the earth, and each other. This is our personal and collective evolution, blending trials and treasures.

Mythica media uses modern technology to reveal this landscape, showcasing the heroic journey and its deeper layers. Through our authors’ stories, graphic novels, wisdom keeper interviews, and transformational rituals, we present a window into the sacred story that connects us all.

(Move the slider above to show the subtle landscape of our stories!)

Our Media - Revealing the Subtle Earth

There is no separation.  We are all a part of the universe, of the planet, and of each other.  On the journey of personal evolution we gradually come to realize that our story is part of a larger narrative, a Great Story which includes us all.  As part of Mythica media, we reveal the nature of how we are connected in the subtle landscapes of the world, changing the way we look at our selves, at our planet and of the Quest to create a healthier planet for us all.

Why Your Support Matters

No story stands alone.  As the creator of Into the Mythica I have devoted twenty years of constant work towards the building of a platform which offers a new look at our stories, which showcases the journey of healing our shadows and subconscious patterns in the context of our collective unfoldment, and which offers a new brand of media in service to that emergent world.  It has been my sacred mission, my part in transforming our selves and world for the brighter, and your donations empower that sacred work.

By supporting Into the Mythica, you become a part of this grand adventure. Your contributions help us provide resources, create compelling content, and expand our reach, guiding more souls to discover their heroic journey and understand their place in the Great Story.

Together, we can build a world where each person recognizes their unique role in the collective narrative, fostering a deeper connection to Gaia and to each other. Join us in this quest to live our myths and transform the world through the power of story.

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