Divine your Story
1 on 1 Sessions
With Cassandra Banks

By Appointment In person Card reading in the Bay Area.
Consultations on your own card readings, via zoom or phone.
Cultivated Custom Animal Decks : Class offering on Animal and Elemental totemic archetypes.
Available for Events, Salons.
Phone or Text : 978 314 5199
Email : cassandra@intothemythica.com

Readings with divinatory tools are one of mirid ways to illuminate one’s legend. Path finding of your unfolding story with elemental archetypes, graphing the geometry of how they are orbiting in your experience. You are a thread in a grand tapestry, your thread is your own, your contribution to the great conversation that is being written each moment. Seeing your own and those that you touch, can teach you how to best navigate your ship of self on your sacred journey along the rainbow road.
There is an infinite fractalization of meaning and information just beneath the surface, even for the most pedestrian and seemingly banal of lives. So please, come join me at my table, receive a light reading as is my gift, know that I will do my very best to bless you on your path, but also know that there are doorways here, there are rabbit holes that can open the void when one looks deeply into the self, or the other, or both at once, and we never know what we may find. As above so below, as within so without, Eternity flows and Is, and though we may be but motes in the wind of time, we are precious to ourselves. If deeper truths are not your desire, walk on and may you tread lightly this earthy plane, finding comfort and succor. The tarot is a warrior’s path, it is not for the faint of heart.

About Me
I have had a passion for the natural and supernatural worlds, going back to some of my earliest memories. My grandmother taught me to meditate with nature, and encouraged me to search for fairies with her out in the woods. I never saw any that I know of. Remembering those childhood moments with her in the forest dells, I tended to think of it as a creative game that a sly old woman would play, Not that different from the quiet game. But I think now that it was more than that, remnants of the Celtic and Scottish traditions that she would have learned from her mother, who had been born in England around 1865. My grandfather had been raised halfway in the Native American tradition, in the early 1900s in central Canada. He taught my father, and my father taught me, broad vision, also called the hunters eye. He taught me the preciousness of all living things, how to follow the tracks of animals, and be quiet enough in tall grass to hope to catch a baby rabbit, or maybe a mouse.