Mythipedia Entry – Carnia The magical parking lot of Narnia when one lives in their car.
Mythipedia Entry – Carnia The magical parking lot of Narnia when one lives in their car.
Mythipedia Entry – Channeling The art and science of moving energy through one’s consciousness in order to achieve an effect. Also known as Spellcasting
Characters – The people who arrive on our timeline and are part of our sacred journey.
Charting your Course – The act of willfully moving towards a new realm of reality.
Codes of Consciousness – The energetic codes carried by various Characters and the Land which assist in the embodiment of one’s highest self.
Coherence – Coherence is the quality of integration and harmony within the electromagnetics of the self. It’s opposite is incoherence.
Conscious Mind – The surface level of one’s thoughts, beliefs and feelings.
Coordinates of Consciousness – The specific positions in space and time which correspond to where we are in the territories of the Stars and the Soil.