“A Lucent Dream”
“A Lucent Dream”

; "A Lucent Dream" Characters Ciardha Vomalitez (Deceased) Dream Rockwell

“Return to the Shire”
“Return to the Shire”

; "Silver in Winter" ; "Coming of Age" Add comment Characters Bhagvant Khalsa Keval (Ka) Bliss ; "House of Ho'oponopono" Add comment 2011-2-20 Divining the Way It is at the House of Human Clay that I first encounter the technique known as ‘Ho’oponopono’, destined to become a major spell in…
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Dragonflies & Delight
Dragonflies & Delight

"Dragonflies & Delight" 2012 - "Brave New World" Dance of the Dragonflies Characters Appearing Jeff Behrends Ingrid Edstrom Noah McLain Marla McLain Hjeron O'Sidhe Christina Marie Heather Angelfeather

“Glamour & Truth”
“Glamour & Truth”

"Glamour & Truth" The Books of Fae 2011-3-3 - "City of Angels" "... Following signs which lead towards the City of Angels to the south I am given sanctuary by fellow ambassador of Faerie Regan Remy and have an encounters with the difference between Truth and Glamour in the realms…
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“Queen and King”
“Queen and King”

"Queen & King" The Books of Fae 2011-5-1 - "Queen & King" "I receive word from the northwestern realms of Faerie that my kinbrother McLain is handfasting the Lady Marla! Here, I bring him the gift of the lyre I purchased recently at Cripple Creek, recognizing that many of his…
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“Brotherhood of Dragons”
“Brotherhood of Dragons”

; "Brotherhood of Dragons" The Books of Fae 2011-5-14 - "Brotherhood of Dragons" "... The principles and physics of the quest continue to prove themselves as I receive the divination to leave the mountaintop aerie and make my way to a party in Malibu.  Little do I know, I am…
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Lightning in a Bottle – The Southland Pantheon
Lightning in a Bottle – The Southland Pantheon

"Realms of Lightning in a Bottle" 2011 - "Roads to Eden" To walk such electric corridors was a thing of wonder, where I could feel the blending of worlds between the filaments of the leaves and the light. Days of Lightning Avatars of Light Characters Appearing Alexander PerreletKevala Bliss Tags

“Bards of Faerie”
“Bards of Faerie”

"Bards of Faerie" 2011 - "Roads to Eden" The Mythmaker Camp Bards at the Bar The Scarab of Healing Once again I am demanded to heal myself, working with the energy of the scarab present in the space ... Wandering the Faerie Market the realms of Faerieworlds are vast ...…
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“The Rainbow Dragon”
“The Rainbow Dragon”

; "The Rainbow Dragon" The Books of Fae 2011-6-25 - "The Rainbow Dragon" "... the Path of the Dragon continues as the Mythmaker travels to the Cougar hot springs east of the Faerieworlds gathering. There I am to encounter a rainbow dragon in the element of Air, a sign of…
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“Bards of Faerie”
“Bards of Faerie”

; "Bards of Faerie" The Books of Fae 2011-6-19 - "Bards of Faerie" "... The path leads Ciardha and I to the annual gathering of Faerieworlds, there to encounter the Mythmaker and the Bards of Faerie ..." The Mythmaker Camp Bards at the Bar The Scarab of Healing Wandering the…
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“Gathering of the Rainbows”
“Gathering of the Rainbows”

2011-7-1 - After the sign of the Rainbow Dragon at the hot springs I travel with Ciardha to one of the fabled rainbow gatherings, there to encounter the ripples of the idealism of the 60s in the current time ..." Diesel City We arrive at the Rainbow Gathering.  Such is…
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“The Country Fair”
“The Country Fair”

"The Country Fair" The Books of Fae 2011-7-8 - "The Country Fair" "...An invite from our allies amongst the Fae brings us to the fabled Oregon Country Fair, occurring for me in the underlands of the Mythica as a grand marketplace, where the crafters and tinkers, the singers and Tellers…
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“Circle of Fire”
“Circle of Fire”

"Circle of Fire" The Books of Fae 2011-8-5 - "Equinox of the Faeries" "..."...In the Summer of 2011 Ciardha and I make our way to the faerie sanctuary of Livingwell, there to encounter avatars from the tribes of Cascadia and bring our magic to the land ..." ..." Sanctuary at…
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“Baptism at Beloved”
“Baptism at Beloved”

"Baptism at Beloved" The Books of Fae 2016-10-13 - "Baptism at Beloved" "...One of the most intense moments of 2011 awaits me as Ciardha and I travel the sideway highways of the Mythica to the realms of Beloved, the mystical gathering of avatars on the sacred Ley of western Cascadia,…
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“Blackrock – Tikal”
“Blackrock – Tikal”

"Blackrock - Tikal" The Books of Fae 2011-8-28 - "Portal to the New Earth" "...Using the techniques of manifestation, Ciardha and I find our way to Blackrock, the City of Dreams.  Upon entering, we make our way to Tikal, the Djedi Collective, finding space amongst the other warriors of light…
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"Mjolnir" The Books of Fae 2011-9-14 - "Mjolnir" "... The parallels between my magic and mythos and their expression on the surface of the world continue as I am asked to wield lightning in the City of Angels and encounter the hammer Mjolnir herself ..." The fields of the Mythica…
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“Aerie of Dragons”
“Aerie of Dragons”

"Aerie of Dragons" 2011 - "Roads to Eden" Lion's of Olympus Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Ballad of the…
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“The Faery Well”
“The Faery Well”

"The Faery Well" The Books of Fae 2011-10-1 - "The Faery Well" "...More and more I am seeing the purpose in my path in service to the deva intelligence of the Goddess and the Tree of Life as the path leads me to the realms of Livingwell to witness the…
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“Return to Eden”
“Return to Eden”

"Return to Eden" The Books of Fae 2011-11-14 - "Roads to Eden" "... At last, the Quest leads Ciardha and I back to the Motherlands of Kauai.  Back to the realms of paradise.  Here, we encounter the priestess Laura Love, the Thalyn the Bard and many others. It is a…
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"Aerious" The Books of Fae 2011-11-25 - "Aerious" "...Having returned from Kauai and separated from Ciardha, I take refuge and sanctuary in the fae borderlands of Livingwell in order to rest in the healing intelligence of the deva and make sense of what the Goddess said to me on the…
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