Live your Myth learn the magic see how
it's all connected

Into the Mythica is a mystery school guiding individuals on a transformational journey of self-discovery through the power of story —uncovering the deeper mythic threads of their own lives, recognizing the sacred reflections in the land around them, and returning home to an authentic sense of purpose and connection.

As Above

As a medium for teaching, we present the idea of the Akashic Library and conversations with Calliope, the Muse of Stories as a way of looking at the quest from a higher perspective to show the viewpoint of our stories from the Stars

So Below

Using the tale of Peter Fae’s twenty year quest as a model, we offer a way to see the subtle earth which lay beneath all our individual heroic journeys, using story as a teaching model to reveal the principles of myth which underlie all personal stories and the landscape of our individual legend.

Follow the Quest of Peter Fae

In the Mythica you’ll discover how to see your life through a mythic lens—where every challenge is an initiation, each ally is a guiding presence, and the terrain itself reflects your inner journey. Step into the role of your own hero as you learn to read the hidden landscapes of your story, revealing the deeper purpose and power waiting just beneath the surface of everyday life.

and learn to live your myth

Embark on a journey to recognize the repeating patterns and synchronicities that shape your path. In learning to interpret these subtle signposts, you’ll uncover messages about your unique place in the tapestry of the world—revealing your deeper purpose and calling you to live in alignment with your heroic story. By viewing your life through a mythic lens, you’ll see how each step resonates with meaning, guiding you toward greater self-awareness and intentional action.

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