“The White Lions”
“The White Lions”

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“Trees of Life”
“Trees of Life”

; "Trees of Life" Add comment The Books of Fae 2023-5-30 - "Trees of Life" "...the journey through Faerie leads me into perfect synchronicity with Graell Valendar of the Goddess Temple, and where I receive an invocation of rebirth in the sacred Mikvah pool within the temples grounds and walk…
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Engineering Failure
Engineering Failure

And in this I considered - what was the thing within me that worked for my failure? That exercised a will of defeat and early death rather than embracing the possibility of life? Where was I in the realms, truly? Had I finally cleared the thorns and branches from my…
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“Synagogue Solstice”
“Synagogue Solstice”

; "Synagogue Solstice" Add comment December 21, 2023 As always, it is the Kairos of moments which matters, the specific time and place where characters arrive on our story and what that means for our soul's mission. In this case, it was the intersection with Anahata and her mother in…
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