About the Academy

About the Academy

Mythos Academy was created to help the modern-day adventurer see their life as the heroic quest that it is, bringing together the various components of the yoga of story into a cohesive framework for self-advancement. She is the result of my twenty years of exploration into the nature of self-development in the context of the heroic landscape and it’s relationship with the planet.

While the Timeline of my twenty-year quest is designed to show the progression of what would become Mythos Academy and the teachings of myth, the Academy herself is a place to explore the principles discovered along the quest and their expressions in your everyday life. Here, you can learn the tenets of seeing your journey of healing and transformation as the mythic story it is.

A Quick Intro to the Academy

The core thesis of Mythos Academy is that we are all connected, all part of the planetary consciousness expressing itself through an infinite number of forms and stories. It’s the idea that our life and it’s sacred journey is intrinsically a part of the earth, and that what we experience as our “outer” experience has a corresponding “inner” experience that is part of the planet herself.


The Mythipedia links all of those things together. Think of it as a wiki for the Mythica, one which automatically picks up certain keywords from the articles and leads you to the online repository of their definition in the context of Mythos Academy. It’s meant to give you an overview, to let you see how the various pieces fit together in the thesis of the subtle earth.


Courses in Mythos Academy are just what they sound like, featuring a solid breakdown of the principles and the expressions which make up the subtle earth and the landscapes of legend.


Videos are one of the best ways to communicate ideas, so in the Teachings section of Mythos Academy i’m bringing up videos which speak to the subtle arts, and where we’ll be sharing the teachings of other personalities in the Mythica universe.