Lesson 2 of 11
In Progress

The Tree of Lives (The World Tree)

peterfae May 10, 2023

Mythologies exist for a reason.  They are the echoes of remembrance, of the Knowing that sits beyond the limited horizons of our blossoming consciousness.  Across the many spiritualities and religions that dot the landscape of our beautiful planet, there is the Idea of a Great Tree, a World Tree, whose branches connect all of the Creation.  Such is a concept deeply tied into the rainbow bridge (road) and our journey to the manifestation of Heaven on Earth.Understanding the nature of the World Tree can be challenging, for like all aspects of the Surface and Subtle perception of reality, it’s branches are far more than they appear on the surface.

In simplicity, all Worlds exist, fluttering like leaves on the branches and rootwork of the World Tree.  To walk the rainbow bridge is to move between these worlds, moving across the many realms of the Akasha.  In this context, the Tree is not so much a tree as we classically understand it, but a vast and all encompassing network of interwoven roots, connecting all the parts of Creation.  It is the Heart of Gaia, the nature of form in the Earth plane.

As with all aspects of our perception of reality, the World Tree can be witnessed from the surface and subtle planes of our awareness.  Just as the gross physical manifestations of our reality is but the surface perception of a much deeper elementalism, so does the World Tree exist in both the “physical” and “energetic” octaves of it’s own Nature.

There is a web beneath the World. A pattern of synchronicity which underlies all the circumstances of our lives.

The World Tree is the Material Plane

In the most basic of ways the World Tree is the material plane, the framework upon which the wheel of time spins.  It is the lattice for the loom of our lives and the many threads of Fate and Fortune which define our stories.  Within the infinite weave of roots and branches throughout the framework of this subtle structure lay ALL the geometries of our stories across all space and time, in all dimensions of Heaven and Earth.

As part of the cycles of life, our souls move from lifetime to lifetime in pursuit of our mission on the planet, resolving the patterns of our paradigms along the way.

As the framework for the subtle atmospheres of the planetary consciousness, the World Tree is the fundamental structure upon which all life occurs.  It is the armature upon which all realms and realities are hung, the web that holds the worlds.  When we travel along the thread of our timeline, it is the World Tree that we move through.

Tree of Life.- World Tree

The Tree of Your Life and the Tree of the World are different aspects of the SAME thing.

There is no separation. No separation between our self and it’s circumstance, no separation between our selves and their relations, no separation between our selves and the world. If this basic thing were understood the entirety of our paradigm of life would shift drastically, moving us closer to the embodiment of a more heavenly earth. It would define the ethos of our relationship with the planet and each other, granting us the framework necessary to map the journey to a more heavenly earth. There is no separation – we are all one unified being made from the primal elements of the Universe as they exist as the planet.

What we call our nervous system is a facet of this larger system. At the most fundamental level of our being, we are a part of the Tree. A part of the weave of synchronicities which underlie the circumstances of our lives, part of the pattern of collective movement which defines our evolution as a species.

Think of it like octaves. The pattern of life seen on it’s individual and it’s collective level, made of the threads of our lives and woven into a tapestry.

The Source of Synchronicities

The synchronicities of our lives are not random. They are the expression of the deeper patterns of cause and effect which stretch across many bodies and lives, unifying all our individual experiences within a cohesive whole. Intrinsically connected to the substance of the Earth.

All our sacred Paths are part of the World Tree, walking the roots and branches of our many realms across space and time. In the Mythica, we track those paths, revealing the shape of the Tree and how you can travel the rainbow road between it’s branches to a new reality.

Layers of the Tree

In the cosmology of the Mythica there are five layers to the World Tree, each of which defines an entire atmosphere in the subtle body of Gaia.  As aspects of that planetary consciousness in human form, we experience these layers in our own subtle bodies as we move along our sacred path, a process which takes us through the many Realms of the Mythica.

The World Tree is the expression of Divine Intelligence as it expresses itself through Gaia. It is the subtle and causal nervous system of the Creation, of which our human experience is a small part. All realities exist within this pattern, extending infinitely across time and space. As human beings, we are part of this pattern, a small microcosm of that much larger system of connections. To see this, we must start from the basic premise that the layers of our subtle energy body are mirrored in the layers of the larger planetary body, and that our movement along our timeline happens through these simultaneously.

We are an extension of the World Tree. Intrinsically connected to the roots and branches of Gaia’s subtle ecosystem. As part of that foundation, our body serves as a microcosm of that Tree, the axis mundi between the many realities of our potential.


The Layers of our Path and the Land are the Same


It is the World Tree that we navigate through with the Akashic Compass.

The World Tree is the core of the Mythica. The underlying pattern which lay beneath the surface of our lives that gives rise to our synchronicities. It is the basis for our experience of the Earth plane and the armature upon which all realms and realities occur.

We are a part of the Pattern of Life

On a basic level, this means that our nervous system, the pathways in which impulses travel across our spine to the various systems of our body, is a fractal of a much larger thing.  It is the individual expression of a more collective pattern, the intricacy of interconnectedness that is the much vaster nervous system of the planet herself.  As we come to understand this, to see that there is no separation between our current character and the much larger pattern of which it is a part, we start to gain a perspective on the nature of realms, the individual realities which we experience along the roots and branches of the flower of life.



Roots and Branches

In the cosmology of the Mythica there is a physical structure in the subtle layers of form which defines our path and it’s landscape.

All the stories in the world can be seen as passage along the roots and branches of the World Tree, their Characters walking their interwoven timelines across the patterns of time and space.

What’s important here is to realize that the Tree of Life is a monocarnate and transcarnate structure, something that exists in the perception of one’s current incarnate life and the many lives and legends we have lived before.

Each individual walks their own path across the World Tree, on the unique blend of roots and branches that makes up their Axis Mundi. The basic understanding here is that your Path and it’s Land happen on a subtle branch of the World Tree.

This is the most simple thing. It is the thing-to-understand. It’s seeing your timeline as having a subtle yet physical foundation.

The Bridge between Heaven and Earth

The World Tree of Celtic Mythology and its Connection to our Nervous System

Celtic mythology is rich with symbolism, and one of the most significant symbols is the World Tree. This tree is believed to connect all three realms of existence: the upper world, the middle world, and the lower world. It is a representation of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Interestingly, the World Tree also has a connection to our personal nervous system. Just as the tree connects the different realms of existence, our nervous system connects the different parts of our body. It is the communication network that allows us to move, think, and feel.

The roots of the World Tree are said to reach deep into the earth, anchoring it in place. Similarly, the roots of our nervous system extend throughout our body, connecting our brain to every part of us. Without these roots, we would be unable to function properly.

The trunk of the World Tree represents the middle world, where we live. It is the physical realm that we can see and touch. Our nervous system also connects us to this world, allowing us to interact with our environment and experience everything it has to offer.

Finally, the branches of the World Tree reach up into the upper world, where the gods and spirits reside. This realm is beyond our physical existence, but it is still connected to us through the tree. In the same way, our nervous system connects us to our higher self, allowing us to tap into our intuition and spiritual nature.

In conclusion, the World Tree of Celtic mythology is a powerful symbol of interconnectedness and unity. Its connection to our nervous system highlights the importance of staying grounded while also reaching for higher levels of consciousness. By understanding this connection, we can deepen our appreciation for the natural world and our place within it.

The World Tree of Celtic Mythology and Its Connection to Our Nervous System

In Celtic mythology, the world tree is a central concept that represents the interconnectedness of all things. This tree, also known as the “crann bethadh,” is believed to be the nervous system of the planet, which we call Gaia. Just as our personal nervous system allows for communication and coordination within our bodies, the world tree facilitates communication and coordination between all living beings on Earth.

The world tree is often depicted as a massive oak tree with roots that extend deep into the earth and branches that reach high into the sky. It is said to be the axis around which the universe revolves, connecting the physical and spiritual realms. This tree is not just a symbol, but a living entity that plays a vital role in maintaining balance and harmony in the natural world.

When we look at our own nervous system, we can see a similar pattern of interconnectedness. Our nerves transmit signals throughout our body, allowing us to move, think, and feel. This system is incredibly complex, with billions of neurons working together to create a cohesive whole. In many ways, our nervous system is a small fractal of the larger world tree.

Just as the world tree is responsible for maintaining balance and harmony in nature, our nervous system is responsible for maintaining balance and harmony within our bodies. When this system is disrupted, it can lead to a variety of health issues, both physical and mental. By understanding the connection between the world tree and our own nervous system, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in all aspects of our lives.

The world tree is also associated with the cycle of life and death. Just as the leaves of a tree fall to the ground and decompose, providing nourishment for new growth, so too do we return to the earth when we die, becoming part of the cycle of life once again. This cycle is a reminder that all things are interconnected, and that death is not an end, but a transformation.

In Celtic mythology, the world tree is often depicted as a place of spiritual significance, where one can commune with the gods and gain wisdom and insight. Similarly, our nervous system is believed to play a role in our spiritual experiences, allowing us to connect with something greater than ourselves. Whether we view this as a connection to a higher power or simply a deeper understanding of our own consciousness, the world tree and our nervous system both offer a path to spiritual growth and enlightenment.

In conclusion, the world tree of Celtic mythology is a powerful symbol of interconnectedness and balance, representing the nervous system of the planet and our own personal nervous system. By understanding this connection, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in all aspects of our lives, from our physical health to our spiritual well-being. As we strive to live in harmony with the natural world around us, let us remember the lessons of the world tree and the vital role it plays in maintaining balance and harmony on Earth.