peterfae posted an update
a year ago (edited)
2023-3-26 – Taverns of Tahoe
At the core of the Quest through the Mythica is the recognition that we are living stories, and that there is a geometry of archetypes which lay beneath the surface of our perception waiting to be seen. As we come to recognize these patterns within our lives we gain a deeper understanding of how we all fit together into the larger whole, parts of the Great Story which connects us.
As always, it’s about the Path & the Land. About where we arrive on the planet, about who we meet and the alchemies we share. In this context, I made my way to “Syd’s Bagels” in Tahoe City today, bringing my laptop with me to share the full presentation of the Mythica with Curtis Clark, the owner of the establishment. We sat down together at one of the tables, and he regaled me with his idea for a ‘Syd’s After Dark’, a sort of speakeasy and presentation space he was envisioning for his establishment.
“You’re a tavern keeper in the Mythica” I said to him, witnessing the range of flags and colors that decorated the space. “Holding space for adventurers from all across the world.”
His eyes widened and he smiled. “Yes… it’s true. Over the years i’ve seen so many people come here, stay, work for a time, then head off, to all sorts of places around the world”
I smile in return. “There’s a sacredness to that”, I tell him. “A quality of archetypes in the lands below the land. In this moment, in this Now you are playing the role of that sacred tavern keeper here in the pristinity of Tahoe, just as I am playing that of the returning mystical explorer, meeting you in the modern myth.”
Such is the beauty of the Mythica. The recognition that we are playing roles across the many realities, that there is a geometry of relationships that occurs in the weaves and branches of space and time, that there is a meaning beneath our mythologies waiting to be seen, if only we take the time to look.