peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
threads of lifeThreads of Life – The weave of aka threads which make up the tapestry of cause and effect.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
world treeWorld Tree – The material plane. The aspect of earth in the context of ‘heaven and earth’. The World Tree is the sum of many individuals Tree of Life seen in a collective way.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
ImpermanenceImpermanence – The quality of impermanence which defines the nature of form.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
time, space, and dimensionTime, Space, Dimension – The fundamentals which give form to our stories.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
points of viewThe Coordinates of Consciousness Every reality exists somewhere. At a certain point in space and time. Locus points are the specific coordinates in spacetime in…
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
monocarnate and transcarnateMonocarnate and Transcarnate – The distinction between looking at one’s story in a singular life or across multiple lives.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
bondage and liberationBondage and Liberation – The fundamental basis for the journey of enlightenment and freedom from the cycles of the mortal plane.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
being and becomingBeing and Becoming – The process of being something in the process of becoming something else.
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
formlessness and formAll stories are defined in context, and that context is that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having…
peterfae posted a new entry. a year ago
prime elementsPrime Elements – The fundamental elements of the Creation, including Earth, Air, Water, Fire and Space (Ether)
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