peterfae posted an update 2 years ago
This part of the Mythica is the back-end, currently hidden social network with it’s own mobile app that i’ve already got, a way for people to share and document their stories *and* to purchase classes
peterfae posted a new post. 2 years ago
'Maps of Betrayal and Honor'There is a land beneath the land. A topography of subtle elements which sits beneath our story. A land below the land. When we move…
peterfae posted a new post. 2 years ago
Maps - Carnia“Maps” The journey through Carnia in 2021 was deeply significant as it moved across the deep shadowlands of isolation through a progression of healing, leading…
peterfae posted a new post. 2 years ago
peterfae posted an update 2 years ago
One of the greatest lessons, if not the greatest lesson on the Quest was the appearance of “God Loves You” on the journey. It was in this space that Joshua and I were reminded that God was with us on the Quest
peterfae posted a new post. 2 years ago
December Week II - The Christ WithinHeld by the Red Rocks In Sacred Space I Stand Finding Keys to the Locks With Tribe Upon the Land Returning to Sedona after the…
peterfae posted an update 2 years ago
As an invocation, i’m weaving together a more SOCIAL network made of the magic, linking in the app to it, and moving in the direction of media, courses and connection. My story and that of Joshua’s are still in the space, i’m just feeling into a focus on the social network and teachings, featuring the various characters-as-teachers, writing…
peterfae posted an update 2 years ago
peterfae posted a new post. 3 years ago
Maps - CascadiaTahingaard Grass Valley Mount Shasta Ashland Goddess Temple Faerieworlds Livingwell Wynden Keep Mount Tabor Add Your Tooltip Text Here Mount Elphinstone Valhalla Mountains Mythmaker Fairy…
peterfae posted a new post. 3 years ago
Divining the MythicaOne of my favorite moments on the Quest happened in 2016 during the “Onelove” episode. I had encountered the oracle Anya Lei at the event,…
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