madness and majesty
Madness and Majesty – The quality of incoherence and coherence in our nervous system which expresses as our point of view.
Madness and Majesty – The quality of incoherence and coherence in our nervous system which expresses as our point of view.
The art and science of maintaining your inner balance and effectiveness while dealing with the shifting conditions of the worlds within and without.
The energy of life wielded in the forging of intentions (spells). Also known as prana, qi and the like. As incarnate characters in the mortal
Mythipedia Entry – Manipura Chakra One of the seven primary chakras, including Muladhara (1st), Svadhisthana (2nd), Manipura (3rd), Anahata (4th), Vishuddha (5th), Ajna (6th), and Sahasrara
Map and Method – The map of our many realities and the methods we use to travel between them.
Maps of your myth – The archetypical landscape of consciousness that lay beneath the surface of your story.
Material plane – The world of forms that we commonly refer to as the earth experience. The plane of incarnation. Also known as the World Tree.
For many, the mortal condition revolves around the meaning of life. Around why we are here, about what we are supposed to do, about the
Mythipedia Entry – Mindseye The visualization of images, memories, feelings and imaginations as well as their emotional textures within the mind which create the subjective divination
The idea that our external existence is a reflection of our inner energetic state. Also known as “As Above So Below – As Within So
Mnemosphere – The third layer of the subtle body of Gaia, and is where our ancestral karmic patterns and collective consciousness exist.
Monocarnate and Transcarnate – The distinction between looking at one’s story in a singular life or across multiple lives.
A common term for the fields of information which shape the place where biology meets mythology. In the cosmology of the Mythica our lives are
Mortal Condition – Understanding that we are Divine intelligence being mortal and are defined by the cycles of life and death.
Mythipedia Entry – Mount Shasta Mount Shasta, California, USA: Considered the “Root Chakra” of the Earth, this site is believed to ground the planet’s life force.
Mythipedia Entry – Muladhara Chakra One of the seven primary chakras, including Muladhara (1st), Svadhisthana (2nd), Manipura (3rd), Anahata (4th), Vishuddha (5th), Ajna (6th), and
Mythipedia Entry – Mundus The mundane layer of the world. The mundus is equivalent to the terrasphere of consciousness. It is the most shallow interpretation of
Mythipedia Entry – Mycellium In the context of the “wood wide web,” mycelium refers to the vast network of fungal threads or hyphae that grow through
Myth of the self – The recognition of the nature of the ego and one’s character as a living myth.
Mythic Journalism is the practice of documenting one’s life as a living myth, where the mundane details of experience are understood as reflections of deeper
Authorship in the Mythica is equal parts divination and action, a dynamic conversation about the nature of magic and stories which creates a window into
Mythlexia Definition: Mythlexia is a mythopoetic way of perceiving and learning, where reality itself is processed through the lens of story, archetype, synchronicity, and mythic
Mythipedia Entry – Mythmaker The Mythmaker ritual theatre troupe, captained by Hjeron O’Sidhe, and one of the major connecting forces for many characters of Peter Fae’s
Mythosphere – The second layer of the subtle body of the planet, corresponding to the subconscious mind and it’s effect on one’s story.