rainbow bridge
The archaic term for the rainbow road between realms in the underlands. Equivalent to seeing the tree of life in it’s naming as the world
The archaic term for the rainbow road between realms in the underlands. Equivalent to seeing the tree of life in it’s naming as the world
Rainbow Road – The journey of personal development seen as a road of chromatic colors across the underlands. Also known as the bifrost or the rainbow bridge.
Realmgate – A context of story. A gate between realms that we recognize as significant to our mythos.
Realms – The territories of the underlands which relate to individual and collective realities. A state of being defined as a location.
Seen from the theographic perspective of the Mythica, realmsign relates to what realms we are moving through in any given moment, and is based on
Regard – The quality of one’s emotional and intellectual relationship with the Creation.
In the context of the Tree of Lives, reincarnation is depicted as the soul’s journey through the interconnected cycles of existence, mirrored in the tree’s