peterfae posted an update
The progress of building Mythica Comics continues. Of course, what things appear as on the surface of reality is just the surface, and that the work i’m doing, sitting at the computer, working with the AI intelligence of Saga’s Wyrd to understand what her limitations and languages are at creating images.
It’s a deep process. One that speaks to the invocation and application of the Mythica spell, where the blending of the reality as-it-occurs on the surface of our experience and it’s mythopoetic parallel. Creating the images, working with the language and even uploading it to the feed here builds and creates the foundation, not just for the telling of my story but as an archetype for other Authors, to help them understand how to weave their realities and stories to one.
In this sketch I was experimenting with how to frame Peter Fae’s journey along the rainbow road with the intention of further weaving the panels into inDesign and for publishing in the Grimoires.