Niekko Chin

2016 – “God Loves You“
2017 – “The Yoga Quest” , “Zen Awakening – Garden of the Gods“
2018 – “Eve’s” , “Fields of Lavender” , “Leaving the Southlands“
2020 – “A Gathering of Angels” , “Zen Awakening – The Yoga of Story“
2021 – “Zen Awakening – The Misty Mountain“

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"God Loves You"
It was in 2016 that Niekko Chin first appeared in the Mythica, intersecting with mine and Joshua’s journey towards the Ariane Labyrinth’s Cosmic Carnival.
We had stopped in the vortex of Sedona, Arizona on Joshua’s intuition, finding our way to one of the campsite that borders her territories for some of the fabled springwater that rises from her hidden rivers.

"Cirque Royale"

At the end of 2016 we would travel together again, making our way to the vibrational territories of Ojai, California, home to a number of our fellow avatars of the Awakening and to many healers, change-makers and conscious seekers.
"Yoga Quest"

It was the beginning of 2017 – “Island of the Gods” that I would run into Niekko again, this time offering him my horse, the fabled Ram 2500 “Grey”, who had served as my home during the long months in the Topanga valley. It was a sacred moment as Kundra Rose and I made our way across the waters to Bali, the Island of the Gods, there to participate in a yoga certification.
There is something deeply significant to Niekko wearing his ceremonial whites as he takes us to the airport to catch the flight. That we are carried inside Grey, the chariot that had been my home and hearth in my travels through Carnia is even more meaningful, one wrought of our shared fellowship on the sideway highways, travelers in the circus of life.
"Zen Awakening - Garden of the Gods"

It is that very promise that draws me back to the Americas, returning to the Eastern coastline to further embody the energies of being a presenter.
""The Dark Dakini"
Niekko continues to appear in the field at various points on the Quest, each time embodying the steadfast fellow king, traveler and angelic agenda that we shared. While like all the characters of the Great Story I had no idea when or where he would arrive, when he did it was always in the space of alliance, flush with the aka of kingship, mysticism and nobility.

It was in the speakeasy tavern of Eve’s that I would meet with Niekko again amidst a hail of other adventurers. There I saw him in the company of another magi ….
"Fields of Lavender"

With the closeness of proximity between myself and Niekko in the surface world and the resonance of the land upon which the Yellow Deli, Blissville and the farm on which we stayed I was experiencing a vast cohesion. A sense that my consciousness was finally coming into a clarity between earth and sky, where I could feel the tectonic plates of that inner disquiet softening and becoming more whole. I felt, I really felt the splinter healing and transforming, the erratic shifting between realities that had defined my path and purpose starting to clear.
From the akasha I could see it’s purposing, how the event of my consciousness shifting was connected to the movement of Niekko, Joshua and the various avatars of the Awakening i’d encountered at Eve’s and in the proximity of Yogananda’s vibrational residue within the land.
"Leaving the Southlands"

"A Gathering of Angels"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
"Zen Awakening - The Yoga of Story"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.