peterfae posted an update
11 months ago (edited)
2024-3-28 – A hugely productive conversation with Joshua reveals the soul essence of the Mythica and a reminder of what brings me alive artistically!!! Together we see a vast, vast expansion and coherence into what we’ve been doing all this time and how to present it to the world! Epic, epic transformation and an ongoing recognition of our shared fellowship, the Grace that we’ve both held in our mutual journeys and the long desire to host a magical community all coming together at once!!!!
It’s things like this that really define the physics of the quest, that reinforce the idea that there is a soul mission that holds us together and that we are all part of the larger hypersigil that brings the various pieces of our magics into a cohesive whole. It’s a beautiful and affirming sensation, one that reminds me that amnesia has a purpose and that God is Good.