peterfae posted an update
a year ago (edited)
2023-5-22 –
Many, many revelations come to me as I continue my stay at Ravens Keep. It is the nature of the land herself and the pantheon of avatars that exists that changes me, filling me with new information, new ways of conceptualizing and understanding my movement through the spheres. It is a thing that extends beyond the keep herself, a nimbus of energy that pervades all throughout the Emerald City of Eugene and the surrounding territories, all of which speak to a deeper nature within myself, one of integration and grounding with the plane of earth with the sweetness of family, magic and song.
Here it comes to me again that the journey of documenting the Mythica is first and foremost mine, and that I must fulfill the nature of that thing, to be the mythic journalist that I am, before I can invite anyone into the field. It’s a revelation that has come to me before, gradually finding it’s way into a thesis and application of the nature of manifestation itself and the documentation of the journey along the roads beneath the road.
After all, who else? Such is the nature of MY quest, of my journey of the divination, discernment and discovery of the landscapes of legend. Such has been my magnum opus, to witness the wonder of the emergent magical world and share that with the people. I simple must present myself as the journalist of the wyrd in it’s fullness first. Nothing else really works, and on a harmonic level I see it more clearly than ever.
I say revelation as i’ve come to see the Quest as a series of revelations, of gradually coming to “Know thy self”, to understand the deep-rooted patterns within the self and it’s approach to manifestation, at the mechanics that we do, the Divination, Discernment and Discovery that lay beneath the surface of our story. For me, this plays out as the recognition of the pattern beneath, the necessity of me coming forth with my story before I introduce any others alongside the YEARS of attempt to get others involved while silently building out the network and getting myself prepped for publication. I say it in the context (as context is queen) of me getting back from the crusade, leaving the mountains and preparing to deliver the Gift to the world, recognizing what my proper action is in that doing and how that proper action has been a part of the access and denial of access to my true inspirations over the years.
The fear in it is real. There’s a quivering, a sense that I am touching on the depths of my own shadows and their resolution, around coming forward with my voice and virtue through the medium of my own Creation, owning my own quality as an artist and storyteller and feels entirely, entirely human.
Of course it’s all about me. Everything is always about our self, about our relationship with the shadows and the sacred within the self and the divination of our wyrd, of the pattern within our personality that wishes to express itself, and as I come to the Emerald City of Eugene and the grounded radiance of my allies amongst the Wynden’s, I see it clear, the medley of impressions within my self that has been defining my movement through the Mythica.