peterfae posted an update
a year ago (edited)
2023-5-6 –
I stop at the local market, a place known as the Briar Patch to use the internet and clear up a couple of bills, noticing the movement of the energies within my consciousness, the way my mood and my electromagnetic state shifts and changes. Having left the expanded atmosphere of the gathering and into the more mainstream farmer mentality of the common world I find myself somewhat bored, feeling the vibrations of work in the various industries of the Commonwealth through the people and wanting for something more exalted, more magical, made of more intricate and expansive vibrations.
It’s a thing that happens, waiting beneath the surface of my experience … the feeling of much of the world’s consciousness being mundane, preoccupied with the rigor and mundanities of everyday life, of negotiating children, work schedules and talking about the transient variances of governmental policies, all resonant with the unappealing vibration of the paradigm of paychecks and their due.
Vibrationally, it just feels mundane. Lacking in the electromagnetic excellence of the kundalini yogi or the narrative depth of a dedicated mythologist, the people and the conversations made from the base elements of life, working, talking about work, raising children, eating, sleeping, shitting and repeating, and while I recognize the change in my personal vibration that brings about a joyfulness beyond the conditions surrounding me, the longing for a more exalted sense of things remains, and I find myself having to consciously and intentionally reduce the amount of judgment and disdain I have for it’s basicness as a strategy to smooth out the karmic patterns, noticing quite clearly how much I do not love the mundane world or it’s vibrations. Nonetheless, I breathe through it, recognizing that this is the yoga, the transformation of my inner structures to make the human experience pleasant, to not be unduly affected by the vibrational density of the mortal plane and the cycles of being human. It is for this reason that I deeply enjoy my own space away from such patterns, where I can deepen into the magic and the creation of systems and structures which provide an alternative to mundanity in the form of a more magical expression of life. It is significant on the Path of the Magus as I am realizing more and more the necessity of a biochemical and electromagnetic adjustment to my karmic architecture in order to maintain my positivity and expansion in the wake of the mundane world.
There’s something deeply real here for me. I am not a breeder, nor am I a farmer. I don’t grow marijuana or bake meth in a hidden lab somewhere, nor am I deeply involved in political activism, and have little resonance with the common consciousness of the Valley of Grass. Nonetheless, these territories of Gaia are flush with magicians and priestesses, with a nexus of emergent mystics creating stores and services which serve that higher octave of existence, and for this I am thankful, ready to meet new people on the Quest to discover and live in the New World.