peterfae posted an update
a year ago (edited)
2023-5-21 –
I awaken at Ravenskeep, feeling the energies of the land, the green, the flowers, the Pacific northwest and the way in which she cools me, reminding of the sweetness and sanctuary that can exist in the mortal plane. After a powerful drop-in with Jesse in the emerald city of Eugene I had felt a clarity, a sense of what needed to happen with myself in the Mythica, part of the ongoing divination and discernment into what I want, what wants to happen through me, and how all these thing come together in the fullness of the Mythica project.
What came through was distinct- a divination which spoke to my setting up the “game world” of the Mythica, prepping the space to teach a series of principles & practices that the people could use to further their own movement on the Quest, to understand the nature of healing and transformation at it’s core and have a deeper sense of their wyrd, the quality inside of themselves that defines their centeredness and sense of purpose.
It’s an ongoing divination for me as I realize (again) that the Mythica is not completely done, that there are still passages to write, still territories to express and explore within the primary story before I can bring others in – that the process is still ongoing and is only being reinforced and clarified by my movement into the northwestern territories.