Mythipedia Entry – Akasha
All form, and thus all realities (or ‘realms’) within the Creation are made of the same primal substance, known as ether, which exists within a container of space known as Akasha.. Akasha is consciousness itself seen as a primal clay, the starstuff from which all Worlds, from which all realities are made. It is the canvas, the elemental principle that gives birth to all other elements and their endless movement through the spacetime of it’s substance. In the mixture of these five elements, that of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether (spacetime/ether/embodied awareness) one experiences all the conditions of material existence. It is most subtle level of form before it dissolves back into the formlessness from whence it came, the initial place where the infinite intelligence of the Divine pours through into being. It is form itself. The substance of which the awareness is aware. Akasha has an aspect that is transcendent of the other four elements. It is the base element from which the other four emerge. Eventually, after an infinity of changes, the base elements of Earth, Air, Water and Fire dissolve back into the Akasha from which they were made.
It is the backdrop in which all events, that ever were or ever will be, happen for it is the substance of form itself. It is the place where all timelines of all beings that will ever exist may be witnessed, and requires the highest levels of discernment and subtlety to perceive. As the backdrop for all events, the Akasha is the initial point where Divine intelligence manifests in the World of form, setting the tone for the impressions that define the various Ages of the Universe in it’s cycle of expansion and contraction. As this inertia coalesces through the primal elements, it forms the threads of interconnected cause and effect that underlie the synchronicities of our lives. The Akasha is the canvas for the Akashic records, the timelines of our various selves and our shared part in the Great Story of our Divine unfoldment. It is the context within which the endless play of cause and effect move through the material plane.
The Akasha is where everything HAPPENS.
When we divination our circumstance, it is the aspect of the Akasha and the World Tree that we are divining into.