Great Story

Mythipedia Entry – Great Story
Great Story – The vast tapestry of individual timelines which weave together into the much larger tale of our collective awakening. The Great Story is the context of the skein of stories across the substance of the world.
Your Story is a beautiful thing. A magical journey along your timeline through the landscape of your personal legend. It is your unique thread of life, your movement through the role of a lifetime.
Yet, no Story stands alone. All tales are interconnected, each of us part and parcel of each others stories. In this context, we discover the Great Story, the tapestry of our many threads and our shared journey to a new world.

It is in this context that we truly understand – we are made from the land, part of the tree herself. Our stories are part of the planet, part of the weave of memories that makes up the subtle layers of the world.
At it’s core, the Great Story is about US. It’s about the roots and branches of our tales and tellings, about the connections we make across the skein of the world. It’s about seeing the integrated unity between us all, and realizing that we are all connected.

Ir collective realization, the movement from separation to unity that defines the journey Home.
One of the most unique aspects of Mythica publishing is that she is a Collective Story. A narrative of multiple viewpoints on the larger interweaving of our tales which reveals the underlying Goodness of the Creator and the structure of the World Tree.
We have more in common than we do in difference. In the underlands of vibrational impressions there are patterns that are more constant than the shifting ripples of what things appear to be on the surface. Threads and lineages of magick and wonder which play out through the characters and their storylines on the surface plane.
There is a special kind of divination in seeing the Great Story. A thing that happens, for when we see things from a new reality, we live in that reality. We become more of the mythical version of ourselves. More aligned and more attuned to our place and purpose within that unfolding.
An example of this would be the rise of the Magdalene, the shared mythos of the Grail Queens and Kings, that of the White and Red Roses of Faerie, the various Cities of Light and other impressions within the underlands. These are not idle myths, but the underlying substance of our definition of self and it’s heart’s desire. From the perspective of the akasha, our selves, these characters on the World Tree of the current Age, are the expression of those lineages. We are the vessels for something much larger.
In the case of many of the characters in the Mythica, this is the expression of the realms of Avalon, of magick and of sacred living. It is through recognizing these connections and our shared purposing that we see our part in the Great Story.

There is a Great Story. A collective tale that is shared by all. A tapestry of events and synchronicities that lay behind the scenes of all our individual adventures. It is the tale of our shared Awakening, our shared journey to return to the garden of a heaven on Earth.
At the core of the Mythica is the understanding that there is no separation. That we are all Characters in the Great Story of humanities unfoldment.

In some cultures, this starscape of connections is referred to as the Akasha, the map of our synchronicities and what it says about the subtle gravities that define our lives.
All stories happen somewhere. On the Earth plane, the Great Story of our Awakening happens on the Earth. On what we refer to as Gaia.
Beneath the lives of the characters we play in the Great Story lay a pattern. An indric net of synchronicities where we meet the other characters in our shared World. Where the roots and branches of our intertwined adventures can be seen. This is the World Tree.
The Great Story is Woven from the Threads of our Lives

As part of the web of life that connects all things, the Great Story happens here, between each and every one of us, each playing our role in that grand unfoldment.
Through witnessing the Great Story, seeing the myth and meaning beneath our synchronicities, we open a collective window into that which is already there – the mystical version of our reality waiting to be anchored into remembrance.
The unique nature of Mythica publishing is that we are showing multiple viewpoints on the same larger unfoldment, using those narratives to illuminate and teach the principles of the real magickal World and passage along the rainbow bridge to a brighter and more redeemed reality.
As Author-Adventurers, we publish our Stories on the main site, then linking those tales into each other (either directly or through automatic linking built into the ITM platform herself) in a way that references both our personal myth and that of our collective unfoldment of mythlines and shared embodiments.
Singularly, our Stories are magical. Together, they Open a whole new World. As we scribe the witnessing of our timeline in the Mythica, we are including within that narrative the shared interactions and common dialogue and storypoints, such to create a narrative ecosystem with which to plant the seeds of new consciousness.

To get a sense of the Great Story, it’s helpful to start with our own timeline. To envision our life, the sequence of events that has defined our current journey, as a thread. A timeline moving through a vast canvas of space. From this vantage, we can look at our self on it’s adventure, moving along a landscape of vibrations just like a character in a book seen from above. We can see our progression, our movement through the circumstances of our life like an Author, seeing the arc of our movement and evolution of our self, our Character in that Great Story, moving along the landscape of it’s legend.
Now, expand on that. Move your mindseye further outwards, witnessing the string of your story from an even greater distance. See that the thread of your life is just one of an infinite number of threads moving through that same space. Realize that each and every person you have ever met or will ever meet is on their OWN timeline, their own threadline through the vastness of existence.

Take this a step further. Feel into the idea that your story would not exist the way it does without that person. Without the events, however great or small, that happened between you. That, in a very real way, your very EXISTENCE is intrinsically linked.
If you look closely, you can see that there are points where those timelines meet. A web of synchronicities which holds a pattern. A pattern which can only be seen when one moves beyond the focus only on their self. Here, we see that our thread of life is part of a much larger weaving, a tapestry of trials and tragedy, of virtue and victory which stretches out across the canvas of time and space. A Great Story.