Tarot and the Tree
Tarot and the Tree – The relationship between the hermetic tarot and the Tree of Life.
Tarot and the Tree – The relationship between the hermetic tarot and the Tree of Life.
A system of divination using cards to work with the archetypical aka of the mortal condition.
Mythipedia Entry – Tartarus The byzantine labyrinth of repeated karmic grooves within one’s consciousness that imprisons one’s deeper magics. In mythological terms, Tartarus was the prison
Terrasphere – The first layer of the subtle body of the planet. What things appear as on the surface of the world.
The living intelligence of the active and passion qualities of change on the planet, embodied through the ley lines and landscapes of the planetary and
Theatre of Life – The understanding of the world as a stage, with our selves as characters on the stage of life.
Mythipedia Entry – Third Eye The focus point for the mindseye, related to the crown chakra
Threads of Life – The weave of aka threads which make up the tapestry of cause and effect.
Time, Space, Dimension – The fundamentals which give form to our stories.
Treasure – The qualities of consciousness that exist between characters in the Great Story and which bring abundance through the redemption of shadow.
The concept of one’s highest will, transcending the layers of will, and is considered to be aligned with one’s heart’s desire. In the practices of the