• Profile photo of peterfae

      peterfae posted an update

      6 weeks ago

      Whew … sometimes the process feels overwhelming. There’s a divination, a sense that certain pieces aren’t quite right, that other pieces are necessary, and it all has the feeling of an ongoing architecture that’s divined along the way which is good, yet there is always the question of “When is it good ENOUGH to open the gates, and is there something in me that has been resisting it?”

      I’m not sure. It always come down to the timing of events. Just yesterday I realized that I needed to put the social network on the back-end and present the stories on the front-end in a basic membership, and had the clarity to clarify those things on the back-end with Memberpress (which is still going on). I spoke with Majyk about his own project and set up a meeting for tonight in about an hour or so, and today I cleared out the sketches i’d had for the Akashic Library posts that lead to my timeline and which discuss the overall structure of the Mythica Thesis, which I feel is leading me in the direction of doing the videos for the Live your Myth, Path & Land and Stars & Soil course offerings.

      Within this there’s also a huge clarity in how to weave the stories together, to showcase the movement from the perspective of Calliope and I in the Akashic Library to the timeline, and how those things interweave with the principles of myth as they exist in the Mythipedia and the other aspects of the spell. I feel that i’ve got the form dialing in, a mixture of organic writing, AI narrative and illustration and the photos from my Quest presented in the format to showcase the Mythica to the world.

      Meanwhile, Niekko is inspired to help me get my teachings out on social media, which is an entirely separate-yet-connected animal to the website, and which I feel as a movement deeper into the aka of production, publishing and sacred commerce, where the ability to organize and hieroglyphs on the back-end and create the stories is quick and easeful enough for me to put my focus into other things.

      At this point, individuals are showing up to attend the temple, to bring their light into the mix, and I am definitely feeling the challenges around trusting community yet also excited to finally reconnect with community, so the wondering is, as it so often has been, what I could have done quicker, how much more balanced I could have been, what I need to be doing now and all these other all-too-human things. Nonetheless, there is inspiraiton.

      It’s my feeling, and it has been for quite some time, that the workload of creating the hieroglyphs here in the back-end is so massive that I had to develop the style before I felt comfortable opening up on social media with the teachings, as I wanted to have someplace to bring the people back to, and that the clearing of the old Akashic Library sketches from the feed earlier today plus what i’ve been doing with such posts as “Birth of the Mythica” and others speaks to the clarity of the form, and where I can organically, dynamically fill in the posts on my timeline. There’s a sense that by doing that, I stepped another step towards having the space to fill in the courses and start publishing on social media as well as delivering the comics through the store. It’s just, as always, a lot, and i’ve been super-unbalanced about it.

      I’m not blaming myself for this. It’s been hard, yet Story was my chosen medium of healing, and I have gained a degree of clarity and organized form from that valiant effort. While the challenges of my own shadows regarding the mortal condition remain and are longing for attention, I can at least say that I have accomplished the herculean task I set out to do, and where the documenting of the process here in this back-end space reinforces the clarified sense that I had of having a private social network behind the publishing face which I had felt many times before. In this, the question of the movement from incoherence into coherence that is accomplished action in this world and the elation/depression around that which can come up is a very real thing.