• Profile photo of peterfae

      peterfae posted an update

      a year ago (edited)

      2023-6-13 –

      I awaken and immediately invoke the Energy Codes meditation, feeling the four major points of energy as they move through my body. There is a sense of general awareness, of feeling into the space within my body and recognizing that awareness is the conduit for the movement. There is some difficulty at first generating a sense of love for the experience yet I bolster myself by recognizing that I feel more aligned with my deeper will, realizing that it has always been about my journaling the adventure for myself before others and that fulfilling that intention feels opening in the somatic language of the body. It is my feeling that this and what surrounds it is part of the Path of the Magus.

      Soon after the energy codes meditation I read a workbook on Joe Dispenza’s ‘Being Supernatural’ which reiterates some of the major points Joe talks about. As I do, I see the similarities, the using of awareness to create a field which allows the energy to travel through the body, the focusing on the positive emotion with the clear intention, and within that my own awareness of the consistency between the various brandings of the current vogue of avatars, most of whom are saying the same thing in a variety of formats.

      There is a recogntion in me that there has been a blockage in my ability to anchor in the daily practices, one I sense is tied to the timing of events and my own movement through the land, to the kairos of divinations and revelations as they occur along my path. Yet while this is true, it is also true that I sense myself in a new territory of the underlands, willing and capable of embracing this next octave of the mystic arts.

      Taking this to heart, I continue to wield space, shifting the locus of my focus into the field-of-awareness itself and the reminding myself that I can create another reality, that I am more than willing to let go of the past events and the agitations associated with them alongside the people who do not fit my new reality, and consider again what I truly wish to create and how I can build that glyph in the akashic field.