How to navigate the site

It’s all about how we look at things. At the angle, the depth and dimension that we view the world. As a platform meant to share the vision of the worlds within and without, the Mythica approaches the same content from a multiple of angles.

As a documentary to showcase the nature of the landscape of our personal transformation the timeline of my adventure is told from both the position of the Stars and that of the Soil. The intent here is to provide a way to show the Big Picture view on our stories, to show the movement along my timeline from the Stars of the Akashic Library while simultaneously showing it’s movement through the Soil of the planet as part of the World Tree.


In the Soil section you’ll find my main timeline, showcasing the years and the still-in-process filling in of the moments on the journey. Here you’ll get to see my movements across that twenty-year journey featuring a combination of real life photos and AI illustrations to reveal the subtle layers of the Mythica beneath the surface of my tale.

In the Stars section you’ll find dialogues between myself and Calliope, the muse of Story, who has been kind enough to act as my scribe in the telling of my tale. There we will be looking down on the timeline of my journey across the twenty years and what the significance of that movement was across the planet. It will be a”view from above”, relating to specific stories on the Quest and will be gradually updated as I flesh out the results of the journey.

Where we arrive on our Quest is significant, for it is connected to the much larger subtle ecosystem of the planet herself. Here, the mountains, the forests and holy places we find ourselves embody the territories of the surface, acting as nexus points for our tale and others to interface together.
In the Mythica, the Maps page showcases the places that were significant for me on the Quest, linking them into the stories and synchronicities which arrived with them.

Mythos Academy has multiple parts. One is the Mythipedia, an online wiki which presents the framework of the subtle earth in an interwoven way. The second are the courses and the third is the upcoming social network for the modern adventurer.
The third part of Into the Mythica is mythica media. Here, the teachings of living your myth and understanding the landscapes of the subtle earth as well as interviews with the people met along the quest and their relationship with the emergent new world. This includes Mythica comics, the podcast, and a host of videos and articles meant to teach the landscape of the subtle world.


In the World section of the Mythica you’ll find our ever-growing collection of articles, videos and comics which showcase the world of the Mythica, linking together the parts of the Great Story to show the framework of the subtle earth.

How to Navigate the Site
There are three primary components to the Mythica site. The first is the Timeline, my twenty-year journey documenting the discovery of the Mythica and the building of a means to share that discovery with the world. The second is Mythos Academy where I teach the framework of living one’s myth, my version of a sacred guild for the modern mystic.
Timeline of the Quest

This is our journey into the underlands, into the lands-beneath-the-land that form the subtle world of our stories. It is a journey of discovery, of trial and triumph, of facing the patterns that lay within us waiting to be resolved as discover our way along the sacred story that is our life and legend.