About the Mythica

Discover the Map of your Myth

I went on a Quest Into the arms of the Goddess ... Discovering the worlds beneath the world

The Great Question

At the heart of every hero’s journey lies a burning question. Mine was this: How deeply does our inner world shape our outer reality? Where exactly does our consciousness end and the physical world begin? What is the shape of my story within and without?

In the mystic arts, this was known as the Law of Correspondence, sometimes known as “As Above, So Below and As Within, So Without” and in modern day it was the idea of manifesting our reality from the “inside out”. As an explorer intent on discovering new realities I sought to discover what this really meant.

This wasn’t just philosophical pondering – it was a quest that demanded proof. Armed with my camera and an unwavering determination to understand the mechanics of magic, I set out to document the precise relationship between our inner state and our outer circumstances – between the Path we walk in consciousness and the Land we traverse in physical reality.

Witnessing the Wonder

For twenty years, I’ve documented a world most people don’t see – not because it’s hidden, but because they haven’t yet learned to adjust their lens. With camera in hand, standing on bridges between worlds, I’ve captured proof of a reality where synchronicity isn’t coincidence, where meaning shimmers beneath the surface of the ordinary, where magic isn’t fantasy but the deepest truth of our existence.

Each photograph in the Mythica tells a story of this deeper world. A chance encounter that changed everything. A moment when the impossible became possible. A synchronicity too perfect to be random. Through my lens, you’ll see how reality transforms when viewed through eyes willing to witness the miraculous.

Documenting the Timeline

Through twenty years of documented synchronicities, I’ve mapped these invisible territories, witnessing how each character that enters our story, each location we’re drawn to, each challenge we face serves a deeper purpose in our tale. Every encounter is a thread in the tapestry of your becoming, every location a stage upon which your legend unfolds, every event a carefully placed stepping stone on your hero’s journey through the underlands of the Mythica.

What emerged through my lens over twenty years was nothing less than evidence of the magical world hiding in plain sight. Every photograph became a data point in a grand experiment about the nature of reality itself. When my inner world shifted, the outer landscape transformed to match. As my vibrational state changed, so too did the characters and situations I encountered. The camera became my witness, capturing proof of a profound truth: we are not merely walking through a static world, but actively participating in its creation with every thought, every intention, every shift in consciousness.

Revealing the Pattern beneath the Path

As I documented these things on my timeline I discovered there was a pattern beneath the path. A landscape of primal energies and synchronistic encounters which formed the geography of my subtle world. It was a subtle world, one of symbols and sacred experiences, one which lay within the very substance of my movement across the surface of my experience, revealing the map of my myth and the landscape of it’s legend in a real and anchored way.

Yet as beautiful as this was, it was the realization that the Mythica didn’t just exist for me, it existed for everyone.

And the Landscape to our Legend

(Slide between the surface and subtle views of the land)

What if I told you that beneath every landscape you’ve ever walked, there lies another terrain – invisible to the ordinary eye, yet just as real as the soil beneath your feet? Through my lens, I’ve documented not just the world we all can see, but the subtle realms that lie beneath it – the lands beneath the land.

These lands beneath the land are not mere metaphor – they are the subtle territories we traverse in our quest for meaning and purpose. They are the realms where our inner landscape shapes our outer reality, where the subjective and objective dance in perfect harmony. Every person you meet, every place you find yourself, every situation you encounter – these aren’t random events, but carefully orchestrated scenes in your own mythic story, playing out on the landscape of your legend.

In this sacred repository, you’ll learn to perceive these deeper dimensions for yourself. Like adjusting the focus on a camera, you’ll discover how to shift your perception between the surface world and its subtle counterpart. You’ll begin to recognize how your inner journey – your thoughts, beliefs, and intentions – shapes the very landscape you walk through, and how every outer circumstance reflects a deeper truth within. Most importantly, you’ll learn to see how every person, place, and event in your life is a divine appointment, a sacred encounter in the great story of your awakening.

The Mythica Portal – The Modern Hieroglyph

The Mythica isn’t just a website. She’s a portal, a way of seeing your life that opens the gates to live your myth and be the real life character in your own story. Through the blend of narrative and academic presentation of the Mythica thesis, you’ll learn to see yourself and the landscape of your legend in a whole new way.

In the Mythica we tell stories which reveal the subtle world beneath the surface through comics, courses, and content which illuminate the framework of our energetic multiverse through the modern hieroglyph, opening portals of perception through our use of the modern media to reveal the subtle worlds beneath our feet.

Teaching Story through Story

In the Mythica we tell story from the perspective of stories, showing the perspective of of the journey into the Mythica from the Akashic Library in the Stars and along my timeline in the Soil, revealing the pattern beneath the path that was my part in the Great Story. Aiding me in this is Calliope, the muse of story, acting as an ambassador of the Library and a helpful aide in anchoring that tale to the world.

As a mythic journalist documenting my own living story I feel the best way to teach is through story. To showcase this in the Mythica we present the view of the quest from the Stars and the Soil, in a story between myself and Calliope the Muse of Story in the Akashic Library and the actual events as they unfolded along the twenty year quest. As we do, we teach story through story, revealing the real-life experiences and framework of the lands of the heroic journey that formed the basis for living one’s myth.

This is not just another spiritual teaching or mystical theory. The Mythica is a real-world documentation of the magical life, proof that we can live in deeper connection with the miraculous. Through the ongoing living story Here we blend the actual with the imaginal, the surface and the subtle to discover the landscape of our sacred Path and walk the rainbow road between the real worlds within and without.

But the camera is more than just a tool – it’s a teacher. It shows us how to focus our attention, how to frame our experience, how to capture those fleeting moments when the veil parts and reveals the extraordinary nature of our ordinary lives. Through thousands of documented moments, I’ve created a visual proof of what mystics have always known: that we live in a world alive with meaning, purpose, and magic.

Revealing the Physics of the Quest

Yet how to show that? How to bring the mystical understanding i’d gained on my long journey to the people? To that end Into the Mythica was created, a platform combining the best elements of story and school, educating the people into the subtle principles that gave rise to our many personal and collective worlds through a Academy devoted to teaching the principles which expressed themselves as my sacred quest and how others could apply them in their own life.

There is a moment when the veil parts, when the ordinary world reveals its extraordinary nature, and you realize your life is not just a series of random events, but a living myth unfolding in real-time. This is where our story begins.

Inviting you to Live Your Myth

What if you could see yourself as the hero of your own magical tale? Not in some imaginary story, but in the very life you’re living right now. What if that challenging boss wasn’t just a difficult person, but a wise guardian testing your resolve? What if that unexpected detour wasn’t just a delay, but a call to adventure?

This is what happens when you step into the Mythica – suddenly, your life transforms from a series of random events into a carefully crafted story, with you as its central character. Your daily choices become plot points, your challenges become epic quests, and those synchronistic moments? They reveal themselves as magic manifesting in real-time.

Imagine viewing your journey through this lens: That job interview becomes a magical threshold crossing. Your morning meditation practice becomes ritual spell-casting, actively shaping the fabric of your reality. The stranger who offers unexpected help reveals themselves as an ally sent by the universe precisely when needed. Even your deepest struggles transform into the essential trials that any hero must face to claim their true power.

But this isn’t about adding fantasy to reality – it’s about removing the veil that made you think life was anything but magical in the first place. Through the principles of living myth, you’ll learn to recognize the archetypal patterns playing out in your daily life. You’ll discover how to read the signs and synchronicities that have always been guiding you. Most importantly, you’ll grow in the authentic arts of magic – not pulling rabbits from hats, but the real magic of consciousness transformation, intentional manifestation, and awakened perception.

In the Mythica, your story becomes your spellbook, your life becomes your quest, and every moment holds the potential for awakening to the extraordinary person you truly are. This is your invitation to step into that bigger story, to claim your role as both author and hero of your own legend.