Akashic Library – Aka – Patterns in the Stars & Soil

You shift between dimensions, moving from the stories in the timeline to the Akashic Library where things are seen from above. Here, Peter Fae and Calliope speak on the nature of aka, the stars within and without.

“They’re pretty” she said. “Like pictures in the sky.”

“Yes” he said. “Yes they are. They are what I call the constellations of consciousness. The aka. They are the building blocks of our stories.”


“Do you know what astrology is?” he asked.

“I’ve read about astrology in the library” Calliope said. “It’s a practice where people read the patterns in the stars to figure out who they are.”

“It is. When we talk about aka, we’re talking about something similar to this, but different.”

“Different how?”

“In astrology and many of the systems defined by the current Age the people engage in a divination into the elements that make up their substance.”

“Aka relate to something more constant than our elemental configurations.” he said. “They relate to the patterns of consciousness which are more enduring than the way of referencing them through our personal elements. If one must attribute them to an element, I would say they relate to the ether, the fifth element.”

Calliope looked in her book. “It says here that there are four elements. Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.”

“I know it says that.” he replied. “And this is a perfect example of an Age.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are FIVE primary elements to the Creation in my regard.” Peter said. “Not four, five. Yet the fifth element, the element of ether or it’s alternate naming as space, is so subtle, so refined, that the common consciousness of the people in the Age of Darkness only speaks to four, for the obviousness of the four basic elements is all they can see.”

“Yet there are five.” she said.

“In the cosmology that i’m presenting, yes.” he replied.

“Tell me about it.”

He motions for her to follow him, and they walk down a corridor in the library. As they do, the walls begin to shift and change as if moving from solid to liquid. Ahead of them, the vision shifts to become a turbulent ocean.

“The books!” she cried. “The water will destroy the pages!”

“No. It isn’t water like that. We are looking at the substance of the books themselves seen in it’s more liquid form.”

“There are many ways of looking at ether” Peter said “yet the greatest challenge in this is realizing that the act of looking is itself constructed from ether, and is biased by it’s own substance.”

“People think they see clearly. But what they are seeing is being distorted by the turbulence of the ethers of their mind. Everything they perceive is off on a basic level, for they are looking through the jostled waters. In photography terms, their lens is unsteady. Muddy with memory. Sometimes this is a small distortion. Other times it is vast. The people do not know themselves. They do not see. Everything comes from this place.”

“But that would mean that people’s point of view was unsteady!” she said.

He nods. “Which would imply that their advice is unworthy.”

“And they don’t know?”

“No. As I said, the Shadow Age is defined by confusion. By the lack of knowing the self. Perception itself is constricted. Hence, the idea that there are four elements instead of five.”

“That’s the thing of it.” said Peter. “The waters of the ether are the stars and mists of the rainbow and their reflection in the mirrored tiles. It’s all the same thing, seen in different octaves and stages of itself.”

“Like water changing from liquid to solid and to gas?” she asked.

“You forgot plasma.” he corrects.

“It actually disgusted me for a while.” said Peter. “I had great difficulty resolving the aka of production and media with the expectation that I was to cater to people’s self-centered process. While I was integrating and digesting the trends of marketing and commerce that I saw emerging in the field, the constant submission to shallow things agitated me.”

“Why?” “I’d grown bored and irritated with the reality of constant shadow-work” Peter said, “and because i’d received so little compassion and care I had grown bitter at the people and at the Creator. Mechanically I knew it to be the imbalance within my self between the crown and the root and that it had shut down my heart to the people. I knew it was happening, technically. Structurally. Yet the anger remained nonetheless.”

“How did you deal with it?”

“Who says I have?”

“I hated having to heal simply through being here.” he said. “I felt consigned to a prison of incoherence, demanded to constant practices to even stay stable. Yet this was not even the foundation of what I considered the prison of the self, for my very understanding of the necessity of self-work was lost in the haze.”

“I don’t understand.” said Calliope.

“I couldn’t hold onto the idea that I had to do self-work.”

“Even though you were surrounded by it and even though you did so much of it? That …. that’s insane.”

“Such was the delerium.” Peter said. “The fracture of delight. It is what defines the Shadow Age, and what the heroes of this Age must face in order to return the planet to her nobility.”

“I’ve heard humans talk about using gratitude as a means of manifestation” said Mercury.

“Grateful …. for what?” he said. “For the opportunity to suffer? To be born into an Age of Incoherence requiring constant, constant surrender to forces beyond one’s control while fighting to gain coherence from simply being born here?”

“Why does it bother you so much?” she asked.

“I’ve learned a lot of things since descending into this place.” said Peter. “It is a place ruled by desire and compulsion,

“I have found that it is desire itself which creates the patterns, sculpting the ethers of the akasha with it’s subtle intent.”

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