Lesson 9, Topic 3
In Progress

Roots – Ancestral Colors

peterfae January 30, 2025
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

The Roots – The Ancestral Realm

The deep karmic foundations of our story, where inherited patterns, past-life echoes, and cultural imprints shape our present experience. The Roots reveal the gravity of our lineage, both personal and collective, influencing the trajectory of our path. This layer relates to the collective, ancestral mind and is the mnemosphere of the subtle earth.

The layer of collective consciousness & ancestral lines

The Mneomosphere is the root layer of the Tree of Life.  It is the atmosphere of Gaia where the patterns of our ancestries and lineages exist, where the karmic impressions weave a tapestry of interactions between our lives.  It exists in the depths of the Mythosphere, and is equivalent to the collecive unconscious.