Core Lesson
At the core of living your myth is this – You are the main character in your story. No one is going to do it for you, and in fact no one can. Your trials are yours to face as are the treasures that you gain along the way, and that the thread of your life is the path upon which you walk through the labyrinth of choices and consequences that define existence itself. Such is the deep truth, the basic truth that defines us all.

We are walking the path along the landscape of our experience through the chapters of our experience, playing the main character in the story of our life and, as Joseph Campbell proclaimed, “All the gods, all the heavens, all the hells, are within you”, which in the Mythica is tantamount to saying “you are the gods. You are the goddesses; and all the realms of reality exist within your self.”
In the Mythica we go deep into this concept, into the idea that all the gods, all the heavens and all the hells exist within us, and deepen into it, asking the very question of not only what it means to experience the gods, the goddesses and the hells and heavens of reality within ourselves, but how they manifest in our outer experience – along the very real unfoldment of our timeline through life.
This basic idea defines the journey into the Mythica. It is the question of what it means to exist in a hellish or heavenly reality in an internal way and what the relationship of that internal state is to the outer conditions of our experience. It is a journey into the underlying idea of self itself, of what defines the various inner and outer realms of our manifest world, framing the journey within and the journey without as part of an integrated landscape of mythopoetic reality.