skein of stories

Mythipedia Entry – Skein of Stories

The weave of timelines that forms the tapestry of the Great Story. The skein of stories is the net of synchronicity seen as the landscape of narrative. It is the seeing of the weave of patterns that defines our stories and their interactions from a distance, moving beyond the look at one’s individual thread into the larger patterns in the weave.

The Skein of Stories refers to the vast, interconnected tapestry of human experience that weaves together individual timelines with the collective journey of humanity. Like an infinite cosmic loom, this living network of narrative threads connects every personal story to the greater pattern of existence, manifesting simultaneously in the celestial realm of soul purpose (the Stars) and the temporal world of earthly experience (the Soil).

At its most fundamental level, the Skein comprises the threads of individual human timelines – the chronological progression of each person’s life journey. However, these threads are far from isolated strands. They weave together in an intricate dance of synchronicity, creating patterns that reflect both personal destiny and collective evolution. Just as a tapestry’s individual threads gain meaning through their relationship to the whole, each person’s story gains deeper significance through its connection to all other stories.

The Threads of Fate and Fortune

Within the Skein, two primary forces interweave: Fate and Fortune. Fate represents the predetermined patterns and archetypal energies that shape our journeys, while Fortune embodies the mysterious element of chance and choice that allows for free will within these patterns. These forces don’t operate in opposition but rather in dynamic interplay, creating the rich texture of human experience.

The Roots and Branches

The Skein manifests through what mystics call the “subtle earth” – the living, conscious aspect of our planet that provides the energetic framework for all human experience. Like a vast World Tree, this framework extends its roots deep into the material realm while its branches reach toward cosmic consciousness. Each human timeline travels along these roots and branches, creating pathways that others may follow or intersect with in meaningful ways.

Synchronicity and Connection

The Skein reveals itself through synchronicities – meaningful coincidences that highlight the interconnected nature of all stories. These moments of alignment show how individual choices and experiences ripple through the collective tapestry, influencing and being influenced by the journeys of others. A chance meeting, a timely insight, or an unexpected opportunity often marks points where personal timelines intersect in significant ways.

Stars and Soil

The genius of the Skein lies in its simultaneous expression across multiple levels of reality. In the Stars, it appears as constellations of consciousness – patterns of divine intention and soul purpose that guide human evolution. In the Soil, these same patterns manifest as the concrete events and relationships that make up our daily lives. The Skein thus bridges the celestial and terrestrial, showing how cosmic purpose manifests through earthly experience.

The Great Story

All individual threads in the Skein ultimately contribute to what is known as the Great Story – the overarching narrative of human consciousness evolving through time. This isn’t simply a collection of separate stories but rather a single, unified journey expressed through countless individual perspectives. Each personal timeline represents a unique view of this greater journey, contributing its essential thread to the collective tapestry.

Accessing the Skein

While the full pattern of the Skein remains beyond ordinary human perception, individuals can learn to recognize their place within it through careful observation of synchronicities, study of archetypal patterns, and cultivation of awareness. Understanding one’s position within the Skein can provide deeper meaning to personal experiences and reveal how individual choices contribute to collective evolution.


The concept of the Skein of Stories offers a profound framework for understanding human experience as both deeply personal and inherently connected. It suggests that while each person’s journey is unique, it is also an integral part of a larger pattern that gives it context and meaning. This understanding can transform how we view our challenges and triumphs, revealing them as essential threads in the tapestry of collective human evolution.

As the weave of timelines which makes up the canvas of our collective story, the skein of stories is intrinsically tied to Fate and Fortune.

As we look through the halls of the Great Story we come to see that the threadworks of synchronicity connect us all in a skein, a web of interwoven connections that gives rise to our worlds.

Yet there is no difference between the skein of stories and the World Tree, no separation between the threads and constellations of light which define our many adventures and our experience of being human.

Seen on another level of density, the threads of stories manifest as the roots and branches of the World Tree, interconnecting all of our selves and their adventures across the surface and subtle layers of the planet.

Altogether, the skein of stories can be seen as a web of interconnected threads both made of and surrounding the substance of the World Tree