Introduction to the Journey Home


As part of the absolute authenticity I was aiming for, I never set up the photos. There was no sets, no post-production, no photoshop. Instead, I simply witnessed what happened along my story in synchronicity, marking the path with bolts of light and lightning. It was a form of gonzo journalism meant to prove the idea of “As Above So Below – As Within So Without”, where I intended to use the photos as markers for my movement through the many dimensions of consciousness, laying down a trail of bread crumbs for others to understand how to make their own way to a new reality. cdn_helper

The Journey Home is presented as the full timeline of the twenty years of my journey, meaning you can move from one point in time to another across the storyline. This is done in order to showcase the principles taught in Mythos Academy and to use my story as a teaching model.

I acted as an explorer, using my photos to document the surface and subtle worlds that I moved through, showing how our movement along the landscape of our manifest world was defined by our consciousness. cdn_helper


By doing this, only witnessing who, where and when things happened, I started to put together a map.  A journal of alchemy and transformation which revealed the subtle layer beneath the surface of the world and the underlying principles beneath all our stories. It was an exploration which took me across the planet, ranging from various locations across the United States, Canada, Europe, Indonesia and more in an effort to understand the nature of what I came to call the **subtle earth**, the layer of mythic reality that exists just below the surface of our awareness and which defined our selves and their stories. cdn_helper

All through the story you will see links to other moments on the timeline as well as to entries in the Mythipedia which presents the teachings of Into the Mythica. Here, by clicking on the linked items you will be taken to a page which shows that principle from the Mythipedia.

The Akashic Library

To showcase the perspective of our stories from the Stars and the Soil takes a special kind of storytelling, one that shows the world as it exists in the linear timeline of our stories and which can show those stories in the view from above. Key to this is the Akashic Library.

Like the Mythipedia, the Akashic Library exists to expand on the teachings shown within the real-life experience of the stories and can be accessed through the stories, offering Readers a view of the Quest from the starscapes of the Akasha.


Growing up I was deeply inspired by three books which would one day lead to the documentation of my true story. The first was Jules Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, where an intrepid group of explorers find their way to a hidden underground world filled with wonders. The second was Douglas Adam’s “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” which inspired the idea for a publishing platform that supported the people on their many quests with a guide to help them on their way. Alan Moore’s “Promethea” a graphic novel featuring a young woman’s journey into the real arts of mysticism and magic provided the final piece, granting the inspired foundation for the documentation of my own journey into the center of the subtle earth, the building of a publishing platform to share that with the world and the creation of the modern hieroglyphic comic book to teach the principles of magic that I learned along the way.

Exploring the Subtle EarthLike the explorers in “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, I went on a quest to discover the real world of myth and magic, to live the true story of heroic adventure and return to tale the tale.

The idea that our inner world manifests our outer circumstances is notoriously difficult to translate, for it requires a certain degree of perception to even recognize it’s existence. Simply put, if we can’t perceive the energies within ourselves clearly we can’t see how they’re creating our outer world. Because of this, the journey outward is always a journey inward, gradually discovering the trials and treasures within that manifest as our outer world.

It is the nature of the Gift of Life that makes this so intricate, for every being lives in their own set of conditions – their own hopes, their own dreams, their own fears and talents, all existing in their unique facet of the universe.

How then, to create a map made of a liquid substance that still held enough constancy to be read? How to create something which showed the constant principles of manifestation while also honoring their unique expression? How to create the maps of our myth and the landscapes of our legend in a way that helped the people discover their own sacred self?

I felt myself as an explorer, an adventurer forging the frontier of the subtle and undiscovered territories of the world, exploring the subtle earth that existed on the strings of synchronicity and story, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs through my photos for others to follow. Because I knew what I was experiencing was relative to my self and it’s soul’s mission upon the earth, I created Into the Mythica as a means of showing the stories of many, to show the expressions of the principle of the path across a multitude of legendary lives.

Everyone walks their own rainbow road. Their own unique architecture of electromagnetic colors and it’s expression as their life. We all live in our own worlds, inside the play of sensations and interpretations that define our inner mind happening simultaneous with out outward movement in the world.

Yet there is a place where these things meet. Where we see the nature of the sacred mirror, that our outer circumstances are caused by the subconscious unknown within our own self. We see that we change the outside by changing what is within, and embark on the journey of self-realization and achieved agency that is the hallmark of their story. It is a journey no one can do for us, and which calls us to face the darkest and brightest elements within our self and soul. It is a hardship and a harrowing, and yet is the greatest thing we can ever do, for it is through the shadow and sadness within that we achieve the treasure that lay within us waiting to be remembered past the haze.

Welcome to the journey home.

Peter Fae and North the Wolf

Each person’s heaven is their own, as is their hell. It is for us to navigate the karmic impressions which define our conditions, to find our way to the brightest version of ourselves and live our myth. This is the journey into the Mythica. This is the journey Home.

For me the answer lay in the way I approached the narrative, documenting the events which played out in my unique expression of the principles of story while engaging in a constant divination into their underlying substance through my subjective and mystical purview.

Such is the nature of our living dream, the shape of the ethers of our existence which manifest our unique and collective worlds.

It was a sense of the ethers, of the substance that makes up the ripples of our reality, and it defined what would become the twenty-year journey to prove that what was within would manifest without.

The Journey Home is a new form of Storytelling, revealing the authentic journey to a new reality as a proof of the mystic arts.  She’s a teaching story, meant to reveal the principles and expressions of the journey to Awakening.

The journey home is a living story, part of an ongoing divination into my timeline through the Akasha, the result of twenty years of movement across the many realms of the World Tree.  In service to opening a window into the weave beneath the world I have built out the timeline of the journey in it’s most basic form to complement the teachings.  That being said … she is a living story.  Constantly changing, growing and weaving.

As part of that teaching, my timeline is designed in a way to show the Great Story – the interweave of our many stories in the loom of our shared Awakening.