Akashic Library – Axis Mundi

They walk through the library to great hall where a vast Tree grows in the center.

“It’s when the soul incarnates into the cycles of Nature that things get interesting” said Peter, looking down at the tree from the balcony.

“Is it just a tree?” asked Calliope.

“Far more. Such is the very substance of the mortal plane. Of the tree of life and lives, carrying the seed of our soul into incarnation itself.”

“What do you mean the ‘seed of the soul’?” she asked.

In response, he holds up the giant seed, showing the roots dangling down into it and the crest of the tree rising from the top. “When a soul incarnates into the mortal plane, it becomes made of the substance of Nature. Such is the vessel, the body which gives us the gift of incarnation itself.”

“Is that what you mean by lineages?” she asked, looking up from her notes.

He nodded. “Yes. Lineages in the bloodlines of the mortal plane are contained within the roots and branches of the weave.”

“Like, in people’s bodies?”

“Yes. Where do you think your karmic substance is stored? No body, no brain and no breath, no basis for form itself. It is in the subtle layerings of the body that we discover the patterns which hold us in check.”

“Which are ….?”

“They’re actually all throughout the form, coursing through all the tissues as a fractal hologram of light, but for practical purposes we can see they occur in the layers of one’s consciousness. It’s in the process of healing and transformation that we encounter them.”

“Herein lay the essence of our architecture” Peter said. “We are made from the threads of karma which are themselves a part of the larger atmospheres of the planet and the universe entire. What we experience as the synchronicities along our timeline happen along the roots and branches of that system. Along the boughs of the Tree of Life expressed within and without.”

“So what you’re saying is …”

“That the pattern which exist in the subtle somatic architecture of the self express themselves through one’s consciousness and through the manifest conditions of one’s reality. That there is no separation between the self and it’s story. For me, this is the architectural basis for the idea of ‘as above, so below and as within, so without’, our world defined by the axis mundi of our spine and nervous system and our interpretation of that through the language of our personal legend.”

“Why are there so many languages?”

“Because divination is individualized.” Peter said. “Everyone sees the world through the lens of themselves. The language of imagery and hieroglyph that informs them is theirs, and it their own self they must explore to divine it’s meanings.”

“That’s all well and good, but how does this play out on an individual’s timeline? When does this theory play out in the mortal world?”

“All the time. In every breath, in every divination and action, in every footsteps along the territories of one’s path and it’s land. We are always walking the threads of our story, always moving along the roots and branches of our timeline.”

“If what you’re saying is true … how come the people don’t see it?”

“The challenge is always awareness.” said Peter. “We live in a myopic Age, where vision of the grandeur that once was and can be again is obscured. When we see things solely from a monocarnate perspective, we cannot perceive the intricacy of the tree of life. Our own timeline and it’s blossoms lay unexplored, and thus we have no foundation for a larger view of where that thread of life connects with others.”

“Where do you think ideas come from?”

“Well … I mean … they just appear in the mind.” she said.

He raised his eyebrows. “Out of nowhere? Like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat? No. Things come from somewhere, and make passage through established channels in the architecture of the self to bubble up in the ethers of the mindseye.”


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