Welcome to Into the Mythica, a new breed of storytelling. Here we explore the nature of our real-life stories, discovering the landscape of the heroic journey beneath our many paths and teaching the framework for seeing our life as a mystic Quest.
Into the Mythica is more than a website. At her core she’s an invocation into the magic of stories – not made-up stories, but factual stories which reveal the deeper layer of what it means to be human. She is a media platform meant to present a new media, one which reveals the emergent consciousness that is the journey to a new paradigm of life.
About the Quest
We all have a Quest. A Divine purpose which sings for release from the depths of our heart. It is the core of our soul’s mission, the reason for our incarnation as the character in our unique Story. As we step into a new Age of consciousness, discovering what our quest is and how it serves the world is the greatest thing we can do.

Who am I?
I’m Peter Fae, the creator of Into the Mythica and the author of the Journey Home, and I have lived the heroes journey which revealed the maps of our myth and the landscape of our legend, a real world of myth, magic and sacred unfoldment that exists in the deeper dimensions of who we are and is available for each and every one of us.
In what would span more than two decades of travel and embodiment of the living myth, I came to see that what we experienced as our individual Path had a Land beneath it which held our subconscious challenges and which existed on a collective level of union with the planet. This is the landscape to the Hero’s Journey, a place I call ‘The Mythica’.
The Quest into the Mythica started as a willingness to embody the modern Heroic Journey and discover the real world of magic that lay beyond the ordinary. While it started as a path of healing for myself, over time I came to see that our individual stories were all connected, that we were all a part of a Great Story which held each and every one of us in a tapestry of connected lives, and that this larger thing had a basis in the framework of the earth herself.

In this I realized there was a larger collective story, one intrinsic to the very sense of purpose that existed within us all. I saw that the synchronicities of all our lives were part of a larger weave, one connected to the very substance of the planet, and that everything that happened in our life was part of a conscious awakening shared by us all. It was a grand revelation that moved beyond the idea of my individual heroic journey of self-transformation into the much larger collective of our stories and which saw that what we considered our self and it’s story was an integral part of the planet herself – that who we were, where we traveled to and what happened along our individual timeline of experience could be seen from a greater vantage, one which saw the macrocosm and microcosm of healing from the perspective of a unified self.
In this timeline of my twenty-year Quest to live the true heroes journey and bring the Gift of the Goddess back to the people I have documented my travels across the territories of the Mythica into a new kind of autobiography, one that showcases the movement through that timeline from both Above and Below, from Within and Without, and which uses that story to teach the principles of living your myth.
As an explorer intent on proving the existence of the Mythica as the landscape of our heroic journey, my Quest involved the twenty-year documentation of my timeline, using photos, videos and narrative to show the real life adventure of leaving the ordinary world, going to school for the mystic arts and setting out to map out the worlds i’d discovered for the people. In addition to the real photos that were taken, I gradually expanded into that of AI illustration in order to expand upon the concepts and give a visual look at the worlds beneath the world. Through this website, you will see a blend of these styles, some real photos, some AI illustrations and other media, all designed to frame the energetic layer of reality which exists for us all.
The Beginning – The Divine Devotion

It started with devotion. With a bolt of lightning and a wish answered by a Goddess. I was thirteen years old, standing in the stormy rainfall of Long Island autumn when I had a vision. A communication with the deva of story. The Divine force of Story herself.
I made a wish then, to track my way into a new reality. To act as an adventurer in my own mystical story, and find a way to bring that world to others. To be a paladin of stories, on a Quest into the realms of real mythology.
What you see before you is the result of that story. The tale of my journey into the realm of Stories, into the realm of healing, transformation and modern mysticism. It is my offering, my sharing of the treasures I have gained along the way, revealing that no story stands alone, and that we are all connected in the Great Story of our shared Awakening.
Inspirations for the Quest

What would become the Mythica was deeply inspired by stories, and out of those many tales I decided on three books which I felt communicated the idea best. The first was Jules Verne’s “Journey to the Center of the Earth”, where an intrepid group of explorers find their way to a hidden underground world filled with wonders. The second was Douglas Adam’s “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” which inspired the idea for a publishing platform that supported the people on their many quests with a guide to help them on their way. Alan Moore’s “Promethea” a graphic novel featuring a young woman’s journey into the real arts of mysticism and magic provided the final piece, granting the inspired foundation for the documentation of my own journey into the center of the subtle earth, the building of a publishing platform to share that with the world and the creation of the modern hieroglyphic comic book to teach the principles of magic that I learned along the way.
“As Above – So Below, As Within – So Without”

In the mystic arts there is an axiom which stats “As Above – So Below and As Within – So Without”, which in contemporary terms means that your inner vibrational state creates your outer reality. It is the idea that the manifest reality of conditions that makes up our personal and collective story has it’s roots in the territories beneath the surface of our mind – in the subconscious, unconscious and deeper levels of our being. In a structural way, this suggests that wherever we encounter on our timeline of experience is because of those inner vibrations – that if we live in a reality of scarcity or abundance, in worlds of love or hate, in madness or in majesty or anything in-between, that it happens because of our inner world.
This is the idea behind all self-development. It is the concept that by changing within we can change what we encounter in our outer experience, that what is “within” manifests “without”, and that what is “below” the line of our awareness is what creates what is “above”. What made this significant for me was that I saw it in a spatial way, where our movements across the surface of the world were paralleled by a movement through a subtle underworld of subconscious and elemental patterns, and that the journey of self-development was a Quest that took us through that inner and outer expanse.
The basis for this was both simple and profound. I saw that in the “outer” experience of my life I was physically moving from one place to another, that I was moving across the very real landscape of the planet. This could be me anything; it could be me walking down the street, going to a movie, traveling in an airplane, anything. Simultaneous to this I moved through a subtle and psychic inner landscape, one of moods and interpretations, of archetypical forms and divinations into how I perceived and experienced my world. Life wasn’t simply the outer journey, it was an inner one, and I felt those worlds were linked – intrinsically connected in the most intimate of ways.
It was the idea that there were many layers to our world, and I set out to map those layers, to discover the basis for the worlds within the world for the benefit of all our stories.
Documenting the Quest

As a journalist intent on exploring the connection between the inner and outer reality, I documented the events on my timeline as an inquiry and proof into that concept. At the basis of it’s thesis of exploration was a process of divination, looking into the circumstances of my inner and outer world to see where their edges met.
As part of the absolute authenticity I was aiming for, I never set up the photos. There was no sets, no post-production, no photoshop. Instead, I simply witnessed what happened along my story in synchronicity, marking the path with bolts of light and lightning.
It was a form of gonzo journalism meant to prove the idea of “As Above So Below – As Within So Without”, where I intended to use the photos as markers for my movement through the many dimensions of consciousness, laying down a trail of bread crumbs for others to understand how to make their own way to a new reality.

By doing this, only witnessing who, where and when things happened, I started to put together a map. A journal of alchemy and transformation which revealed the subtle layer beneath the surface of the world and the underlying principles beneath all our stories.

My key to this was photography. It was using the photos to document the timeline of my experience, mapping out the correlation between what I encountered in the outer world and what I was experiencing within. I felt myself as an explorer, an adventurer forging the frontier of the subtle and undiscovered territories, exploring the subtle earth that existed on the strings of synchronicity and story, leaving a trail of breadcrumbs through my photos for others to follow. In this way, I became a journalist of my own unfolding myth, documenting the progression of my story across the landscape of the subtle earth – a place I came to call the Mythica.
It was an exploration which took me across the planet, ranging from various locations across the United States, Canada, Europe, Indonesia and more in an effort to understand the nature of what I came to call the subtle earth, the layer of mythic reality that exists just below the surface of our awareness and which defined our selves and their stories. It is the place I call the Mythica, the lands beneath the land of our surface experience of life.
Mapping the Magical World

And I found that world – the world of myth of magic still living in the hearts of the people.
The Great Story and the Tree of Life

It was through the documentation of my path that I gained what is sometimes called the Elixir, the boon of the Goddess meant to heal the wounded land. It appeared in the form that it started in with my wanderings through the streets of New York, an awareness of our unity with the land around us and the stories that made up our many adventures. Perhaps as a hallmark of the bard’s tale it came to me through the awareness of the World Tree, the Tree of Life that defines our selves and their stories and what forms the lattice for the Great Story of our shared unfoldment.

Yet to deliver this, to deliver both the individual and collective understanding of our stories was a challenge – one that required the building of an entirely new style of storytelling and a publishing platform to deliver it. I felt charged to create a school for the modern bard, for the mystic adventurer which used my story to teach the framework of the landscapes of legend in a new way – to show the context of our many Paths and their relationship to the Land.
Yet this new mythology was not singular but collective – it was a Great Story, a tapestry of our collective Awakening wrought from the threads of our many missions and quests.
From Me to We – The New Mythology
Many of us are familiar with the idea of the heroic journey, the monomyth that sits beneath the many traditions and cultures in the world made popular by the work of Joseph Campbell. Now, as we step into a new millenium of understanding ourselves and our relationship wtih the world that supports our stories, Into the Mythica offers an expansion to that classic form, marrying the idea of the heroic journey with the landscape of legend that supports it’s story to embrace the new myth of our emergent consciousness.

We all live our own myth
To quote Joseph Campbell – “There is no general mythology today, nor can there ever be again. Our lives are too greatly various in their backgrounds, aims and possibilities for any single order of symbols to work effectively on us all.”
What I learned was that Campbell was right. Our mythologies were not general but specific, made of a legend of symbols and signs unique to each individual. There were many paths. Many lines of synchronicity that made up the lives and legends of the people. Everyone’s was different, every path was it’s own unique expression.
Yet there were constants. Principles which were common to us all. They were the gravities of story, the primal principles which gave rise to an infinite number of expressions which played out as the legend of symbols which defined our individual and collective tales.

All stories have a landscape, a geography which gives the characters and their adventures their context. As we explore the heroic journey and it’s landscape of legend, we must look at the nature of that legend, at the very substance of the land we move through along our many missions and quests. Key to this is understanding that there is a subtle landscape which exists within the world, one intimately connected to our very sense of self and it’s personal Quest.
The Land was not simply what we experienced in the outer world. The movements of our stories were not just through a physical landscape, but through an inner experience which paralleled that outer form.
This is the new mythology – a shared journey from individual consciousness into the recognition that we were all a collective and that whatever story we were living was a part of the planet herself.
We shared a recognition that life could be better. That there was a way to come back into alignment with our souls in the soul – to step deeper into our own embodiment, together.

At the core of this is understanding the heroic journey and it’s significance for us as individuals and as a collective. It means looking at our stories in a new way to see the myth beneath the mundane that exists for every one of us.
This is our journey into the underlands, into the lands-beneath-the-land that form the subtle world of our stories. It is a journey of discovery, of trial and triumph, of facing the patterns that lay within us waiting to be resolved as discover our way along the sacred story that is our life and legend.
The Landscape of Legend
Reframing the Heroic Journey

The Landscape for the Heroic Journey
You are Here – The Axis Mundi
There are many worlds within world, existing within an subtle ecosystem of myth and mystery that exists within the world we already know. It is the world of stories and the world of patterns, of our traumas and trials and treasure, and it holds the landscape to all heroic journeys that have ever been. It is the world of the Mythica, the layer of legend that exists within what we see on the surface of the world, and it is real.

To understand the Mythica, we must understand the idea of the axis mundi, that we are the center of our personal universe. This is the idea that there is a relationship between our inner vibrational state and our outer experience, and that this relationship creates the landscape of the Path and Land that supports our sacred Quest.

The idea that our inner world manifests our outer circumstances is notoriously difficult to translate, for it requires a certain degree of perception to even recognize it’s existence. Simply put, if we can’t perceive the energies within ourselves clearly we can’t see how they’re creating our outer world. Because of this, the journey outward is always a journey inward, gradually discovering the trials and treasures within that manifest as our outer world.
It is the nature of the Gift of Life that makes this so intricate, for every being lives in their own set of conditions – their own hopes, their own dreams, their own fears and talents, all existing in their unique facet of the universe.

Our path wasn’t just our movement on the surface of the world. It wasn’t just an objective look at our position in latitude and longitude, but something vaster and more inclusive, something that included the subjective inner landscapes of vibration that lay beneath the surface of our story. Such was the layer of our stories, of our subconscious and metaconscious patterns, of the hidden landscapes of the mind and it’s manifestations which played out as our sacred quest, and I worked to map out that landscape, to find the place where what was above and what was below, where what was within and what was without met each other and formed our personality reality.

Our path is both physical and psychic, moving through a landscape of subconscious and archetypical patterns which are more constant and enduring than what we encounter on the surface of the world. It is the movement through these patterns, through their healing and our resolution which defines our journey through the archetypical world of our own sacred path.

How then, to create a map made of a liquid substance that still held enough constancy to be read? How to create something which showed the constant principles of manifestation while also honoring their unique expression? How to create the maps of our myth and the landscapes of our legend in a way that helped the people discover their own sacred self? At the core this is understanding there is no separation between you and the land – that we are a part of the planet and that everywhere we arrive on our Quest is related to our path and it’s purpose.
Like the surface world, the Mythica had many territories, many vibrational geographies which existed both within and without the self. It was a landscape of colors, of vibrational geographies which underlay our experience, and inspired by the travels of Alice in WonderlandI called it the underlands, the lands-below-the-land. They were the territories of our subconscious, of the myths and legends that made up our selves and their stories, and in accordance of the principle of “As Above – So Below and As Within – So Without” they were made of the energies within ourselves, of the vibrational colors and textures which made up our chakras and energetic architecture.
Our path was a movement through these energies, through a landscape of subconscious and archetypical patterns which were more constant and enduring than what we encountered on the surface of the world. It was a movement through these patterns, through their healing and our resolution which defined the path of self-development in a spatial way and the landscapes of our personal legend, and I resolved to create a way to share those landscapes with the people, to give a context for our content in the shared journey to a more abundant world.
Key to understanding this is realizing that there is a collective field in the planet which mirrors our individual consciousness, that there is a landscape of patterns which exist in the planet which are connected to what we experience in our individual self.
This reframes the idea of personal development from the individual to the collective, helping us to anchor the very real fact that our movement through the outer and inner worlds of our Quest are happening at once.
Building the Mythica

As an homage to stories, this is done through the power of Story, through showcasing the real-life connections between us all on the timelines of our lives, bringing clarity to the reality that we are all connected, and that only by coming to realize that thing can we change our planet for the brighter.
How to create a platform which helped the people see their personal myth within the Great Story? Which revealed the people, places and events which moved us forward in the new myth of the Garden?
The third part of Into the Mythica is mythica media. Here, the teachings of living your myth and understanding the landscapes of the subtle earth as well as interviews with the people met along the quest and their relationship with the emergent new world. This includes Mythica comics, the podcast, and a host of videos and articles meant to teach the landscape of the subtle world.
We and the Planet are One
While there is often talk in spiritual circles about our oneness with the universe, what really anchors our collective journey is realizing that we are also one with the planet – that what we experience as our individual quest is part of something larger, something that includes each and every one of us in it’s embrace.
At the core of the idea of the Mythica is the idea of the subtle earth, that there is a layer to our experience which is part of the earth herself and which corresponds to the personal mythologies and subconscious patterns which define our quest. It is the energetic landscape which exists simultaneous to what we experience on the surface of our world, and is always there, supporting the very substance of our stories.

This is looking at the heroic journey of being human in a new way. It means coming to see that there is a subtle layer to our lives and that our movement through life happens in the territories which exist in that subtle place. It is seeing the journey of healing, the movement through the shadows and subconscious patterns which constrict our realities across the landscape of our legend. It is the quest to know thy self seen in it’s modern format as an exploration of the many territories of the subtle earth beneath the surface of our self and it’s story.
Yet in an even greater way this is coming to see that there is no separation between ourselves and the planet, that what we are experiencing in our personal life is intimately related to what everyone else is experiencing and that from a certain perspective what we consider to be our individual selves can more appropriately be seen as cells within the organism of the planet herself. In this way, the framework for Into the Mythica speaks to a new way of seeing ourselves and our stories, of seeing the journey of healing through self and shadow in the context of our larger collective consciousness and as part of the planet and the universe.
Media for the Modern Myth
Into the Mythica is more than a website. At her core she’s an invocation into the magic of stories – not made-up stories, but factual stories which reveal the deeper layer of what it means to be human. She is a media platform meant to present a new media, one which reveals the emergent consciousness that is the journey to a new paradigm of life as well
As an homage to stories, this is done through the power of Story, through showcasing the real-life connections between us all on the timelines of our lives, bringing clarity to the reality that we are all connected, and that only by coming to realize that thing can we change our planet for the brighter.

It’s time for a new media. A new format for storytelling that reveals the subtle world of our consciousness – that gives us a new perspective into what it means to be human, to be a soul embodied in a body playing the role of a lifetime in the game of life. To answer this need I created Into the Mythica, a media revealing the nature of the Path, the Land and the Worlds we walk within on our many journeys home.
In the Mythica we present the world within the world, providing a real framework for the Path and the Land that holds all our stories. Through our courses, comics and content we reveal the nature of the Great Story and the principles of myth which give rise to our stories.

At the heart of Into the Mythica, we recognize that each individual is not only a participant in their own story
but also a vital character in the collective saga known as the Great Story. Our courses, comics, and content
are designed to intertwine, offering multiple pathways through which you can engage with and understand
your heroic journey.
The Hollywood and the Holy Wood

There is the Hollywood. A place of dreams and illusions, of actors and stages and manufactured dreams. And then there is the Holy Wood – the place where magic is real, where we live as the starring character in our own sacred story moving across the landscape of our personal legend. As a media company for the modern mystic, Into the Mythica presents stories about the real world of magic and the people who live there, framing the context for the Great Story of our collective awakening.
Yet how to discover the Holy Wood? The answer lies within you. In the nature of the Path and the Land.
Yet how to show those stories? How to reveal the ways in which our worlds were woven together across the soil? How show the perspective of the Stars looking at our stories in the Soil which revealed the landscapes of our legend to the people?
To do this Into the Mythica was created, a temple in the sky connected the sacred places on the earth, revealing the people, places and events connected to the emergence of a whole new world.
Revealing the Subtle World

In Mythica media our intention is to reveal the subtle world, opening the portals of perception to show the elemental and energetic reality that sits beneath the surface of our stories.
Surface & Subtle
Grimoires of the Mystic World
Here we show the world from the vantage of the Stars and the Soil, from the realms of Gods and Mortals revealing the landscapes of legend that define our many lives, building graphic grimoires which present a new perspective on our shared world.

The Journey to a more Heavenly Earth
No story stands alone. It takes each and every one of us to weave the world together. In the Mythica you’ll learn to shift your gaze between the Stars and the Soil, and to see our world from a collective perspective, looking at your own story as well as that of our collective awakening and see the world in a whole new way.

In the media of the Mythica we explore the Big Picture that connects us all, revealing the nature of our individual and collective missions to transform the world to a brighter place, finding our shared way to a more heavenly earth.