The Divine Devotion

It started with devotion. With a bolt of lightning and a wish answered by a Goddess. I was thirteen years old, standing in the stormy rainfall of Long Island autumn when I had a vision. A communication with the deva of story. The Divine force of Story herself.
I made a wish then, to track my way into a new reality. To act as an adventurer in my own mystical story, and find a way to bring that world to others. To be a paladin of stories, on a Quest into the realms of real mythology.
What you see before you is the result of that story. The tale of my journey into the realm of Stories, into the realm of healing, transformation and modern mysticism. It is my offering, my sharing of the treasures I have gained along the way, revealing that no story stands alone, and that we are all connected in the Great Story of our shared Awakening.

As part of the absolute authenticity I was aiming for, I never set up the photos. There was no sets, no post-production, no photoshop. Instead, I simply witnessed what happened along my story in synchronicity, marking the path with bolts of light and lightning.
It was a form of gonzo journalism meant to prove the idea of “As Above So Below – As Within So Without”, where I intended to use the photos as markers for my movement through the many dimensions of consciousness, laying down a trail of bread crumbs for others to understand how to make their own way to a new reality.

By doing this, only witnessing who, where and when things happened, I started to put together a map. A journal of alchemy and transformation which revealed the subtle layer beneath the surface of the world and the underlying principles beneath all our stories.

It was an exploration which took me across the planet, ranging from various locations across the United States, Canada, Europe, Indonesia and more in an effort to understand the nature of what I came to call the subtle earth, the layer of mythic reality that exists just below the surface of our awareness and which defined our selves and their stories.
Publishing the Path

Realizing that I was creating a form of mythic journalism, I realized I needed to build a platform, a way to distribute my writing and that of others which held the context of the sacred story. Such was a major endeavor, yet such was required to have the sovereignty with which to present the good story, to cast a light of truth and remembrance amongst the haze of propaganda and distortion that heavied the worlds media.
To serve this idea I created Into the Mythica, a platform for publishing from the subtle world.

It started with devotion. With a bolt of lightning and a wish answered by a Goddess. I was thirteen years old, standing in the stormy rainfall of Long Island autumn when I had a vision. A communication with the deva of story. The Divine force of Story herself.
I made a wish then, to track my way into a new reality. To act as an adventurer in my own mystical story, and find a way to bring that world to others. To be a paladin of stories, on a Quest into the realms of real mythology.
What you see before you is the result of that story. The tale of my journey into the realm of Stories, into the realm of healing, transformation and modern mysticism. It is my offering, my sharing of the treasures I have gained along the way, revealing that no story stands alone, and that we are all connected in the Great Story of our shared Awakening.

As part of the absolute authenticity I was aiming for, I never set up the photos. There was no sets, no post-production, no photoshop. Instead, I simply witnessed what happened along my story in synchronicity, marking the path with bolts of light and lightning.
It was a form of gonzo journalism meant to prove the idea of “As Above So Below – As Within So Without”, where I intended to use the photos as markers for my movement through the many dimensions of consciousness, laying down a trail of bread crumbs for others to understand how to make their own way to a new reality.

To document the journey into the magical world, I acted as a mystical journalist, using photos, videos and the written word to anchor my experiences. To keep it authentic, I applied a singular discipline – I would never set up the photos. No photoshop, no models, no sets. Everything had to happen, it had to arrive in synchronicity on the timeline of my adventure.
I had the idea that my photos could serve as markers on the trail, gradually mapping out the shape of my story as an example for others. As part of the magic, I never set up the photos, only Witnessing who arrived on the path. Noticing and documenting the synchronicities in space and time where things happened and what I was able to divine along the way.

By doing this, only witnessing who, where and when things happened, I started to put together a map. A journal of alchemy and transformation which revealed the subtle layer beneath the surface of the world and the underlying principles beneath all our stories.

It was an exploration which took me across the planet, ranging from various locations across the United States, Canada, Europe, Indonesia and more in an effort to understand the nature of what I came to call the subtle earth, the layer of mythic reality that exists just below the surface of our awareness and which defined our selves and their stories.
Publishing from the Path

Realizing that I was creating a form of mythic journalism, I realized I needed to build a platform, a way to distribute my writing and that of others which held the context of the sacred story. Such was a major endeavor, yet such was required to have the sovereignty with which to present the good story, to cast a light of truth and remembrance amongst the haze of propaganda and distortion that heavied the worlds media.

A platform needed to be created, one that allowed for both my story and that of others, which acted as a window into the subtle earth, offering an illustrated framework for the people to anchor a clarity into their own sacred story. In this I envisioned a guild of modern bards, sharing their stories in an environment which supported their remembrance.
Yet how to show the Great Story? How to expand upon the stories of individual Authors into their larger octave? How to show the indric net of interconnected worlds which defined our collective awakening? To this end, Into the Mythica was built to start with my story and expand from that story into the tales of others, gradually building out a collective universe of real adventurers documenting the real alchemies and agencies in our shared journey to the new paradigm of a more heavenly earth.
Beyond the Singular to the Collective – The Great Story

No story stands alone. Each of our unique adventures is part of a greater ensemble, a Great Story which connects us all in a shared journey of awakening to our highest potential. To fulfill the intent to provide a platform which helped the people anchor into their own journey and see it’s context in the larger world, Mythica publishing was designed to provide a framework for the collective story, linking together the individual stories of the authors and students in a grand divination of the great theatre of our lives.
So What is the Mythica?
The Mythica is many things. She’s a publishing platform that shows the real-life journey of self-development in a way that reveals the mythic underpainting of our lives as well as a school using stories to teach the physics of the quest. More than this she’s a publishing platform for articles, interviews, videos and comics regarding the collective journey to a new paradigm, equally a school and a space for storytelling, opening a window into the real world of emergent consciousness.
The Offering
As an offering of light to help the people remember their true selves, Into the Mythica presents a donation-based freemium model of commerce, offering the teachings of the physics of the quest to the people freely while offering a subscription to investigate the stories of the authors and go deeper into the mythical layer of our lives.