The Great Story

peterfae · February 1, 2025

Course Outline: A Great Story – The Pantheon of Living Myth

Course Overview

Every myth is part of a greater whole. Each of us is not only the hero of our own journey but also an archetype in the stories of others. We move through a vast, interconnected web of shared experiences, playing roles in the unfolding myths of the world. A Great Story reveals how our personal path is interwoven with the soul missions of others, forming a living pantheon of characters whose interactions shape the collective myth across space and time.

This course explores how individual and shared soul missions form the geometric structure of myth, where lives intersect in patterns beyond linear perception. Here, we recognize that the figures we meet—mentors, rivals, lovers, and guides—are not random, but part of a larger Story that we are all writing together. Through this lens, we see how archetypes move through the world, shaping the trajectories of fate and forming the structure of the Great Story itself.

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