The Subtle Self

In this course, discover the nature of the World Tree, the framework for our Stories and the journey to a more heavenly earth  

peterfae · May 16, 2022

The “Tree of Life in the Mythica” course offers an in-depth exploration of the foundational cosmology within the Mythica framework, focusing on the interconnectedness of all existence. At its core, the Tree of Life symbolizes the intricate web of relationships between the individual self, the collective consciousness, and the universe. This course will guide students through the three primary aspects of the Tree of Life: the Axis Mundi, representing the personal journey and the spine of one’s existence; the World Tree, embodying the collective consciousness and shared experiences; and the Tree of Stories, which illustrates the narrative threads that weave together our personal and collective myths.

Throughout the course, students will delve into the principles of myth and how they relate to the Tree of Life. These principles, including Logos, Eros, Kairos, Mystos, Mythos, Pathos, and Ethos, form the basis of understanding one’s personal and collective story. By examining these principles, participants will gain insights into the vibrational realities that shape their experiences and learn to navigate their sacred paths with greater clarity and purpose. The course will also cover the role of elemental forces and the Akasha, the space where all events unfold, in forming the vibrational basis of all forms within the Mythica.

Practical applications of the Tree of Life will be emphasized, providing students with tools and techniques to align their life-force with Divine Will, manage and cultivate their energy, and achieve a flow state. By understanding the layers of consciousness and reality—from the terrasphere to the aethersphere—students will learn to interpret the vibrational conditions along their paths and clear karmic patterns that obscure their true potential. This course aims to empower individuals to see their lives as sacred stories, fostering a deeper connection to the natural world and the larger cosmic framework.

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Course Includes

  • 13 Lessons
  • 18 Topics