peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"Sword in the Stone"The library hummed with a quiet energy, as if the books themselves carried whispers of countless lifetimes. Calliope and Peter Fae stood in the garden amidst walls of books entwined with creeping ivy…
peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"Angels of Story"“Angels of Story”
As I travel back through the City of Angels, once more I am given sanctuary by clan Nañawa. Here, Joelle leads me to a sacred labyrinth high in the peaks…
peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"The Leiflands"“The Leiflands”
There is the quality of Kingship, that of the Grail Kings and their service to the Garden, that permeates the realms of Leif Cedarblom and the Ley of the land…
peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"The High Performance"“The High Performance”
After consulting with both Adelaide and Michael, I am led to the lands of Leif Cederblom, one of the Kings of the Galactic. As it turns out, he…
peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"The Southern Roads"“The Southern Roads”
The Books of Fae 2016-2-22 – “The Southern Roads” “… With only a small amount of money to my name and North’s health declining I follow the Quest southwards towards…
peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"Walk the Mountain"“Walk the Mountain”
Touching Ground
Walking the mountain, feeling the textures of the deva, clearing and cleansing me as I make my way. It is, like all things, a…
peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"The Children's Crusade"“The Children’s Crusade”
Leaving the City of Portals, I wonder how I can get the funding for the Mythica, a team of allies that could help me to articulate my sense of…
peterfae posted a new post. 8 years ago
"Guardians of Faerie"“Guardians of Faerie”
The Books of Fae 2016-2-7 – “Guardians of Faerie” “… In the early year of 2016 I find my way once again into the courts of Faerie, there to join my fellow nobles at the…
peterfae posted a new post. 9 years ago
"The Ark"“The Ark”
The Books of Fae 2016-1-18- “The Ark” “… In January of 2018 I arrive at the Ark, a sanctuary in the Ashland Shire stewarded by my ally Keval Bliss. North’s health continues to decline and…
peterfae posted a new post. 9 years ago
"The Old Guard"; “The Old Guard” The Books of Fae 2015-9-1 – “The Old Guard” “… A confluence of ambassadors of consciousness arrives in the Boulder Creek,…
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