peterfae posted an update
a year ago (edited)
2023-9-15 – onward
There’s something deeply meaningful to my journey to the Shambavi Kriya, as well as the work I’ve done on the Mythica today and the posting of this update to the feed of mythos there is a sense of embodying the harmonic signature of the spell herself, recognizing the distinction between posts which relate to the heroic journey of the characters, and that would showcases my own progression through the magic in the very framework of the social network, setting the tone for other adventures to discuss and share with each other.
It’s deeply notable in the sense that I’ve been at this point before, in the karmic repetition of refining the way in which I’m presenting my story and others through the space. There’s a a multitude of senses regarding the action as it has played out on my timeline and the investigation into the nature of the journey across the incarnate plane.
Earlier today I had spoken with Nature Dreamweaver,And had been talking about the idea of managing one’s mood through a consistent career, and how the managing of that mood set the stage for other forms of manifestation, based on positivity and pleasantness.I mentioned how I consider the movement into the Shambavi Kriya, a movement into the Yogic! arts, and which coupled with the Kundalini Yoga and the energy codes, as well as other aspects, felt like my movement across the underlands Into, a place of deeper embodiment regarding the madness and mood swings of the drifting mind.
On the drive-
It’s something I contemplate as I make my way to the event. What Sadhguru spoke of regarding desire in the video rang through for me. Once you look past the concept of the desire into the nature of desire itself, and the involvement with life mixed with the understanding that what we all really want is to be happy and have a pleasant Experience. I truly heard the vibrations within his voice when he spoke of setting up one’s internal conditions to manage the mind on a biochemical level. I had seen it earlier and recognized the grounding in it, even during the periods, when I simply was not able to drop into the body, and as I make my way to the event, I’ve really been looking at how agitated, frustrated, and annoyed I’ve gotten with wondering whether or not my manifestations are due to a subconscious pattern, or if this or that, and realizing that, regardless of what goes on, the only same thing to do is manage the vibrations in chemistry of the mind.
and as I make my way to the event, I’ve really been looking at how agitated, frustrated, and annoyed I’ve gotten with wondering whether or not my manifestations are due to a subconscious pattern, or if this or that, and realizing that, regardless of what goes on, the only same thing to do is manage the vibrations and chemistry of the mind.
There’s a certain clarity to it that I see from the crown. Is it true that my attempts to have consistent allies within the space have been blocked by a subconscious self-destructive pattern? Is it true instead that everything is happening in perfect timing and the structure wasn’t completely developed? The truth is – I don’t know. What I do know is that my body does not like being agitated, and I clearly cannot function when I’m not relaxed, so there is a sense of the application of the Shambavi Kriya across the board, one that fits into the unfoldment of Kairos on my timeline. If I look at it from the big picture perspective, it feels like the gradual movement into the grounded Yogic! arts, to complement my understanding of the layers of the land, addressing the deep in a question and agitation, I have felt within the self regarding the timing and attainment of my noble desires.
As I come to the event there is a placard which speaks of having a outside way of being which immediately brings up the grievance with God and its potential Resolution, reminding again that everything which happens on the Quest is feedback from the living universe showing us the contents of our consciousness in everyday divinations.