About the Mythica

Mythipedia Entry – About the Mythica
Welcome to Into the Mythica, the map to the subtle earth. What you are reading is an entry within what we call the ‘Mythipedia’, a wiki I designed to accompany the posts and the stories to help teach the framework for understanding the landscape of one’s personal legend and how it relates to the heroic quest of the self. This article was designed to communicate those basic principles while illustrating how the wiki was designed in conjunction with the site.
How it Works
Into the Mythica is more than a website. At her core she’s an invocation into the magic of stories – not made-up stories, but factual stories which reveal the deeper layer of what it means to be human. She is a media platform meant to present a new media, one which reveals the emergent consciousness that is the journey to a new paradigm of life.

As an homage to stories, this is done through the power of Story, through showcasing the real-life connections between us all on the timelines of our lives, bringing clarity to the reality that we are all connected, and that only by coming to realize that thing can we change our planet for the brighter.
The Timeline and the Library of Myth
The first story in Into the Mythica is my own – that of Peter Fae, and involves the devotion to the Goddess of Story and the honoring of the call to adventure that set me on my way, and in the Mythica I use that story to communicate the teachings in Mythos Academy on living your myth.
As an explorer intent on proving the existence of the Mythica as the landscape of our heroic journey I embarked on a Quest which involved the twenty-year documentation of my timeline, using photos, videos and narrative to show the real life adventure of leaving the ordinary world, going to school for the mystic arts and setting out to map out the worlds i’d discovered for the people.
I started that Quest in 2002, soon after the towers had fallen in my beloved city of New York. From there I traveled the surface and subtle worlds, living a true mythical adventure and gradually coming to discover the nature of the Tree of Life that exists for us all.
In 2022 I returned, and spent the next two years building a way to share my findings with the world. Into the Mythica is the result of that ongoing effort.

At the core of the idea of the Mythica is the idea of the subtle earth, that there is a layer to our experience which is part of the earth herself and which corresponds to the personal mythologies and subconscious patterns which define our quest. It is the energetic landscape which exists simultaneous to what we experience on the surface of our world, and is always there, supporting the very substance of our stories.
This is looking at the heroic journey of being human in a new way. It means coming to see that there is a subtle layer to our lives and that our movement through life happens in the territories which exist in that subtle place. It is seeing the journey of healing, the movement through the shadows and subconscious patterns which constrict our realities across the landscape of our legend. It is the quest to know thy self seen in it’s modern format as an exploration of the many territories of the subtle earth beneath the surface of our self and it’s story.
Yet in an even greater way this is coming to see that there is no separation between ourselves and the planet, that what we are experiencing in our personal life is intimately related to what everyone else is experiencing and that from a certain perspective what we consider to be our individual selves can more appropriately be seen as cells within the organism of the planet herself. In this way, the framework for Into the Mythica speaks to a new way of seeing ourselves and our stories, of seeing the journey of healing through self and shadow in the context of our larger collective consciousness and as part of the planet and the universe.

This is our journey into the underlands, into the lands-beneath-the-land that form the subtle world of our stories. It is a journey of discovery, of trial and triumph, of facing the patterns that lay within us waiting to be resolved as discover our way along the sacred story that is our life and legend.