peterfae posted an update a year ago
peterfae posted a new post. a year ago
"The Lightning Road"The Lightning Road
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January 3rd, 2024
January 11th, 2023
January 16th, 2023
January 21st, 2023 – Stars, Soil and Spiders
<h1 class="wp-block-heading"…
peterfae posted an update a year ago
2024-1-1 – Year of the Dragon
I have an epic dream that i’ve had before, one where i’m at a party i’m throwing in a loft space and there are musicians and beautiful women and i’m playing music and being the host. There’s some young girls that and one guy is trying to get with this girl but she’s drugged out and I feel he’s taking advantage. I…
peterfae posted an update a year ago
2023-12-27 – Part II
A shower, some fresh air and a bit of sacred medicine and I have a moment of remembrance, a recognition that my true intent, what i’ve been on about the whole time, has been more about the hieroglyphs than the alchemies, and that i’m comparing myself to something that just hasn’t been my focus.
The medicine eases me, and…
peterfae posted an update a year ago
a year ago (edited)
2023-12-25 – Christmas Day
There are many times when I see how far from my position on the rainbow road most of the world is, as I must ask Cassandra to remind me what the “Christmas” holiday is all about. In response, she smiles sweetly and explains that it’s a celebration asserting the dominance of the new religion over the old…
peterfae posted an update a year ago
a year ago (edited)
2023-12-24 –
Devotion – I awaken late, and breathe my awareness through my body, feeling into the recesses and crevices that lay within the physical form. As the intention is to shift into a more consistently yogic approach to the alchemies of life in the coming year, it feels like a good practice, one that can prep me for deeper…
peterfae to naturedreamweaver a year ago
a year ago (edited)
One of our potential authors arrives, sharing a potent story about a medicine journey where they experienced the larger organism of consciousness and how our individuals selves were cells within that larger expanse. As they did, I could feel the threadworks of the Mythica spell playing out, with Characters arriving in the kairos of…
peterfae posted a new post. a year ago
"Synagogue Solstice";
“Synagogue Solstice”
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December 21, 2023
As always, it is the Kairos of moments which matters, the specific time and place where characters arrive on our story…
peterfae posted an update a year ago
The Quest continues as I witness the ongoing expansion of the Mythica platform, proving the nature of my intention and the blossoming of that intention over time and through my devotion.
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