• Profile photo of peterfae

      peterfae posted an update

      7 weeks ago (edited)

      I’m realizing this is part of the spellwork. Part of the presentation of the living story in what I consider a redemptive and clarified idea of “the feed”, or what Joshua so elegantly referred to as the river of myth. It’s the recognition that as an Author, as the creator of Into the Mythica and the primary listener to her unfoldment and presentation, my writing blurbs like this to myself is the product itself, something I can share with the audience with the auto-woven links leading to the Mythipedia, presenting updates on the build of the Mythica, my own sovereign kind of Patreon within the membership where I can lead people to the new content.

      It’s the invocation of the spell herself, where by initiating the tone of the river with my own writing, even with no one else in space at first, i’m creating the flow, the kind of energies that I wish to see in the space.

      It relates to the branding as well. To the true name of the Mythica, and my queries into why certain aspects of the initial intention did and did not come into manifest form over time, and speaks to the valences within the gravity of intentions as they unfold across the skein, and how everything has been an ongoing use of the art of divination to divine the realms I was traveling through and how they related to manifest desire, and where this feed itself becomes a vessel for my inquiries into the alchemy, inside my own sovereign temple where I can share my gifts in the sacred commerce of mythic journalism, and so my bits of writing here and there can be placed both in here and in posts which I expand on in the network, yet all of which come from the initial wyrdweaving of my own embodied myth. It’s the .. it’s the proof-of-concept-in-concept, allowing me to expand on my thoughts in a flowing way while also channeling the tone of the Mythica.

      It’s the true name. The front-line casting that sets the form, and I see that my intent to create a round table of Authors who served a larger Audience was premature, that I had to anchor into my form, present the way the Mythica unfolded for me as an emergent form of narrative, and allow that to root and flourish, nurtured by the waters of the river of myth and the kairos of the journey itself.

      Fundamental to this is the Promethea Inception, the bringing of the real life character of my self and others into the mythical space, showing how we are on the level of our soul’s mission and the aka we radiate out into the collective.

      • Joshua once told me, when i was struggling to get into the flow and resonance with creating content, to think of these online spaces as the “digital altar.” I’ll never forget that.

        • @sunofnight It definitely IS the tone of the modern-day offering. When we realize that we’re giving offerings to the digital altar, it changes the shape of how we interact with the content
