peterfae posted an update
a year ago (edited)
2023-9-15 –
Listening to the Brothers Koren, feeling into the shape of the singing that I want to express through my music and the connection i felt with them and listening to the ‘Embodied Voice Summit’. It’s a deep thing, as last night I just started the ‘Inner Engineering’ workshop with Sadhguru, with attendance tonight, tomorrow and Sunday to receive the initiation of the Shambhavi Kriya and start to take control of my mind.
My mood is not happy. While things *appear* to be moving forward, the tumultuous nature of my mind and the necessity for taking control of it like an errant limb becomes ever-more clear and it’s difficult to forge through the deep, DEEP-seated resentment at feeling blocked within and without in my attempts to manifest my best life. In this I wonder, because I feel such a heart-resonance with the Brothers Koren and the singing workshops, is this all part of a larger movement?
By this I mean – is there a soul’s desire within me, a heart’s desire that wishes to sing and express itself through story and song? Certainly. Is there also the deep frustration of feeling blocked from within and yet also recognizing the appearance of the Sadhguru techniques, Sue Morter’s “Energy Codes”, Jai Dev’s work in Life-Force Academy and the Brothers Koren as part of a larger divine purposing?
At this point, i’m honestly not sure. There is something going on, and I am doing my best ot divine it’s nature through the vehement hatred I have towards the process itself. The Shambhavi Kriya process feels like a necessary step, for my mind is clearly out of control. The emotions, the thoughts, they are out-of-control, and if I am to make any headway towards a life that I actually enjoy whether or not I have the victory of my long work in the Mythica, the yogic process is necessary.
From a certain perspective, I see the meaning beneath the mythos. The larger perspective of my movement through the incarnate plane and the development of Into the Mythica, living the heroic journey and moving through the geometry of stories on the path of embodiment from the heavenly perspective to the earthly one. There’s a grand sense of the timing of events that occurs simultaneous with the mortal perspective, where I see the arrival of the Aka of Music through the Brothers Koren alongside the Aka of Alchemy through the Sadhguru kriya, and how those things relate to the overall journey to the New Earth. In this the frustration of my own wandering mind gains a small bit of refuge, for there is vision of the larger picture, the larger perspective that defines the smaller. Here I see Tara’s arrival as a blessing as well, for who better to collaborate with in the presentation of a new world?