“Gardens of Love”

“Gardens of Love”

2018 – Heart of Faerie

Gardens of Love


After casting a spell of sovereignty and invocation of love, I am led to the coastal shores of Encinitas, following the invitation of priestess of the green, Eden Sage, to visit her sanctuary. Passing the mural of Mary Magdalene riding a surf board, I find my way to Portal Street, where I descend down a long road way bringing me away from the grey and into the green. At the very end I arrive to the bungalow nestled in the trees.

Here, we commune with deep reverence, recognizing each other as aspects of a shared tone and the return to the Garden.

I witness the realm sign of the excerpt from Be Here Now appearing within the field, which first appeared on the Quest in 2013. A full circle affirming the process of rebirth and new beginnings.

I witnessed her as an emissary of the realm, a priestess of the green leading me to a place in honor of the garden, sustainability and health.

After, she brings me through the dragon sanctuary, a place of healing held in the heart of the gardens.

Later, her sacred moon calendar reads of the present times of Beltane, and the invocation of love and sacred sexuality.

At the end of the Portal Street, the bungalow held within the oaks creates a sanctuary within the green.

Encountering Peter at the speakeasy of Eve’s, he speaks of the realms of the Akasha and the journey across the heroic landscape as we shift positions in our consciousness.

Its auspicious, as a book appears that reads “Spells and Bindings”, a reflection in the field of the very transmission occurring.

Heading to an tribal music gathering, I reencounter Joshua Alvord, who I first met at the Hanuman Temple in 2014 as he was traveling to find solutions for the ecosphere of the new paradigm. He tells me of sacred eco-village they are created called “Ecotopia”.

Past the shores of old places, open sky, arms outstretched.

As we hold to trust in the path with faith, the textures of energy change shape into an opening expansion of love and grace, as we arrive to a widespread precipice between the earth and sky.

“We’ve just shifted realms.” I say

Twin oaks intertwining, between roots and shared constellations. Synchronicity and affirmation, walking in sacred union. Treading new paths, yet ancient remembrance, “We’ve done this together before…” Such depth to be beheld by another that recognizes your Unity, the value of your embodiment. To witness this surge out into a mutual alchemy, a rush of potentialities bubbling to the surface past the freshly clean slate. A divine reflection, a mirror in which we saw the One, expressing itself through the gem of our beings intertwining in Love.

“I accept that I hold the golden keys to my Heaven on Earth. I accept that I create my reality, by the power of my word. My word is good, my heart is pure. By the loving power of my pure word, I now recognize and accept my electrons and the quantum access point and vehicle for expressing the sovereign power my unlimited divinity in human form.”

Characters Appearing

2018 – “Heart of Faerie”


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