2019-8-28 – “Highway to Heaven – Part II”


2019-8-28 – “Highway to Heaven – Part II”

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“Highway to Heaven – Part 2”

2019 – A New Earth Rising

Hitching on Hana

Returning to the sanctuary in Haiku, the steward lets me know that he needs the space for a few days. Honoring this, I decided to take the hammock he offered me to borrow, and make my way to the beach for the night. I was in the place between places. There is something about the infinite possibility of an open road before you. The uncertainty, the trust, the invocation of the journey. As I walk and hitch the many miles, I see both 1111 and 333, taking them as signs of the synchronicity in full swing.

I found myself hitching on Hana, making my way towards Down to Earth to use the internet and find sustenance. Something tells me to go to Whole Foods, and there I encounter Ryan Herrygers, where the qualities of myth in modern form unfold in synchronicity. We could feel the shared celtic vibe, and the roots of the World Tree unfolding. Heading onward to Paia, flute is shared as another bard is met along the path.

That night, I go towards the beach to set up my hammock to sleep. There is a strange and eerie energy in the atmosphere. Wild shrieks come from the distance, likely one of the homeless on drugs, speaking in nearly unintelligible babble with then wild barrages of curses. As I looked around the hidden spot I was trying to set up the hammock, I could see trash on the ground. I could smell the pollution of the cars in the air. The disconnection of the people from the Aina, and the pain of the insanity that results from our distance from the sanctified relationship with the Earth.

What else can I do? I face what it brings up within, forgiving my portion of the collective distortion. Breathing through the intense discomfort and the unpleasantness of the pollution, in mind, body and soul, in the Earth. It begins to clear, and the disharmony in the atmosphere subsides, I make my way closer to the sea, eventually finding a peaceful spot between to palm trees overlooking the ocean. I can say that there was fear, but it was unavoidable, as I was in the cause and effect of circumstance being my little “I’s” control.

In the coming day, I remember to draw upon my connection to the trees, to ground and purify, even amidst the crazy of the modern world. I was as a world walker, having just come from other realms, now touching into the commons.

I was exhausted, integrating all of the aspects in the constant travel. Jake arrives in the field, a couple minutes after I ask him for a ride, happening to be in the same area, bringing me to the open mic in Haiku that night. As I get up to play, I feel the divine moving through me. There’s a juiciness in the atmosphere, as I am received by the tribe. There’s flirtations, regard, and expansion post set.

“Wow…I would have addressed you differently outside had I known I was talking to a God.” a brother said to me after I played.

Meeting Abhaya outside the gathering, she said, “I love your outfit, you look like a God.”

It was really interesting to see this trend in recognition shift, that I’d come to call Divine Recognition. Where we come to see the God/dess within us and each-other, anchoring that regard into expression. This all had been such a victory for me, things I had wanted in my manifestation and had been working towards all this time.

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Into the Mythica Productions

2:39 min


So I would center in the heart once again, connecting with my Source. Training myself to feel the vibration of that pure life, pura vida, despite the circumstances happening around me, the lifeless grey stained tones of the matrix. This, I would come to see overtime, would be my journey to sovereignty. To cleanse the subconscious patterns and distortions of the old paradigm from the vessel, to embody the vibrant rainbow body.

This I would come to apply while hitchhiking along the Hana Highway, the awareness of how my reality is a reflection of my inner state. A living experiment of the natural laws of Akasha Yoga, that if we are able to shift the resonance of our electromagnetic state, we will encounter different circumstances that are closer to the heavenly earth we desire upon the paths of synchronicity. A type of mystic travel between the realms of manifestation.

Why do we encounter each other in synchronicity? Why do certain signs, specific unto us, appear at proper times? How does this unfold upon our timeline, to reveal the very meaning of our life? This is what I am addressing here in the documentation of the sacred path. I would come to see overtime that there is a pattern to it all, and when we come to consistently abide in the meditation of our story, we can experience a greater appreciation of how the Divine Will works in our lives. This gives us a greater sense of peace, of providence and trust in the path, that despite what it looks like on the surface, everything is happening for a greater purpose, meant to serve the gradual blossom our Seed Within.

The Heart of the Yogi

As I walk towards the road, I see a shrub in the shape of heart, taking it as realmsign, and am picked up by a fellow kundalini yogi, who appreciates my light. He gives me a ride all the way to Down to Earth, and I deeply appreciate the fellowship shared. He says to keep up the practice, its benefits will be obvious in years to come, that it’s a blessing I had found my way to this yoga. Again, the friendly universe supports.

At Down to Earth, heading up to have some lunch, I feel a flash of resonance, as a brother walks by. A shimmering starscape feeling… I reach out to connect, as his partner comes over, Sher and Katerina. Our interaction blooms as I learn of their time in Sedona mastering the orgonite technologies, an EMF harmonizing device, now providing teaching to others. That shared awareness of the electro-magnetics and our state of consciousness moves between us in the field.

I walk along the highway, holding my thumb out for a ride, paying attention to my vibration. It becomes such a pyschological thing around, if I hold this energy, will it result in a ride, while looking at how so many people are just passing me by. If even the anticipation might be blocking it. A while goes by, and I start to get frustrated, tired of waiting and being ignored. I walk back towards Down to Earth, and a car stops, but this time only to hand me a book, as they are going a different direction than I need to go. I’m interested, so I accept, and look down to see “The Science of Self Realization”, affirming that I am on the very journey therein.

What’s interesting is that when I started my walk back towards the highway, with a sense of revitalization and released the resistance, I am immediately picked up by a couple that is going all the way to Haiku, exactly where I needed to go. They are on about the return to the land, and finding our tribe, and I’m in the flow of synchronicity. Sharing with them that this is what we are showing in the Mythica.

Djedi Training Deepens

The “When” of Divine Timing. The “Why” of Synchronicity.

What is the “when” of manifestation? Why do things happen when they do?

How do we change things? Are we supported in the manifestation of our heart’s desire?

That’s what this journey would put to the test, as I faced the roads of faith once again. It is only through the direct experience, that the living answer to the quest-i-on could be found, and I was starting to get the hang of this.

Once again, upon the open road, I ride the balance of assertion and surrender, waiting for the graciousness of a ride. It is a blend between holding the feeling that it’s already happening, and surrender to the divine timing of someone picking me up. I notice this time it was challenging to really maintain the surrender, the feeling of easement and flow, but once I fully shifted into it, a ride immediately stops for me. It’s that sense of giving up on it but still holding that it will happen, where a sense of relief follows and everything opens up.

Of all possible places, spaces and events, this is what occurred…

Medicine at Your Feet

Miles continues to embody a connection to the healing plants of the Aina, showing me the lightning daisies. I deepen my relationship with the medicines of the land, learning to listen to what resonances the plant spirits in relation to the balancing of my body. Listening… ever deeper, to what they had to tell me, teach me.

Here, I helped to plant a forest of local trees as a part of a restoration project for the Aina. With each breath, I practiced gratitude, drawing the sensation throughout my form as I did the physical actions. The goal being to marry my vibrational attitude with the physical, and cultivate that connection, to reside in the wholeness and work through my resistances as regarding the Earth as sacred.

I learned of the greens and the herbs, the fruits and the medicines that I could pick from the land, and began eating more raw, making smoothies to take advantage of the cleansing properties of the Land.

In this time I would deepen my devotion to the kriyas that were my blend of the kundalini yogas mixed with the energy arts. While dropping into my form to heal with the land, and align my awareness with the breath of the trees. A form of clearing that draws upon the sanctified qualities of the pure elements.

Over my timeline, this has played out as the minutia of my relationship with the energies that make up our experience, and how to shift my yogic asana, my stance towards experience, to cultivate the vitality and right relationship with Nature. This is the gradual dissolution of the separation from the Land, in which the practices themselves are a byproduct of our shift in awareness. Here, we are able to access the assets of consciousness, transforming the subtle relationship, and thus apply the yogic arts to move along our timeline to a new state of consciousness.

Communing with the Banyon Deva

As my last days on this land came, I felt a certain rawness in my communion calling me to the banyon.

The somatic sensitivity opening to the tantric excellence of grounded connection. An opening to the lands, within as without, the wilderness of the soul embodying.

The day would come to soon leave for Austin, Texas. A calling had come to shift circumstances, to meet with Peter Fae there and continue work on the Mythica Temple. I had become tired of the question of my value in the space, a lack of understanding to which this very offering you receive now. I had to refortify, a certain sense of the angelics, of bringing my light to the commons in Austin, where there also could be greater easement of transport, resource and the like; basic things needed to truly focus the lightning of the ethers needed to create the Mythica.

Door of Faith

Jake and I descend down the Door of Faith Road, following the directions that Miles (or Smiles as sometimes known) gave us to a hidden waterfall oasis down stream. A place one could only find through the auspicious passages of synchronicity.

Click to Learn About the Realms of Heaven on Earth

“Its beautiful, to witness us as the seeds of the New Earth.” I say to Jake.

“Its the way I see it too.” He said earlier. “That we are playing these roles, but they change through time. And we become something new, as we are all bringing about a better world.”

“As we clean up the lands within and without, our circumstance gets clearer.”

As I speak with Jake, my understanding clarifies our heroic journey on the rainbow road to a more heavenly Earth. Where the very external manifestation of such a sign, of a remote place we could only be led to by a local ally, is mirrored by our movement through the realms of fellowship, faith and grace.

Our inner world mirrors and matches the progressions of the outer. I felt this, as we finally found our way to the difficult to find entrance…

We make our way through the flush of green onto the hidden trail, as the sense of adventure deepens. We are truly in the wildlands of old Maui.

Playfulness emerges as I see vines and begin to swing across the river, dropping into some natural yoga with the jungle.

“Did you feel that shift?” He says, as we both feel the clarifying textures of the sacred waters of the Aina deepen.

This is the raw embrace by the heart of Maui, not even fully knowing of how far her ever expanding vastness reached, into untouched pristinity and deep jungle until now.

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Into the Mythica Productions

2:41 min


In one moment, fierce, in another, surrender. “Feeling safe with the Mother.” He says.

Coming through the other side of the deep jungle, we approach the precipice of the waterfall. Our shared light blossoms further in the magnificence of the sacred land.

The joy and bravery that Jake embodied really inspired something in me, reminded me of that aspect of myself. A heart centered sense of adventure and reverence for the land. Such is the rainbow way…

Where we meet the characters and guardians of such realms. Embodying the qualities we need out of the many hues of existence, to support our evolution.

Entering the sacred pools of the waterfall, I invoke the deva with reverence, allowing the silky womb of the water to envelop me. I am washed clean, cleansing the pallet of my inner canvas of sensation…

I admit, to soften and open in such a way is vulnerable for me, and brings up fear for a moment, yet I face this and continue to breath and soften, as more joy flows through my being.

We look over to see a path with ropes on either sides, checking the hand written map we were given, we find it another way back. We glance at each other with appreciation and determination, making our way up, only to find ourselves at the edge of a village in the jungle, near the cliff edge. Winding up and down pathways grappling rope, we are led to a deep precipice overlooking the ocean and the greenlands.

It reminds me of Scotland, or the Greenlands of Oregon…

The rainbow appears again at this most auspicious time, heralding my next leg of the journey across the portals of the rainbow bridge, as Austin approaches. I reflect on my travels and just how far I’ve come on the Quest, as gratitude fills me, flooding me with a sense of expansion and serenity.

Shadows in the Green

But then…. I can’t find Jake as he heads onward. I search for him in the jungle, grabbing the ropes to walk down. Maybe, he went on to the fall without me, I think. I yell into the valley for him, but no response, so I start to walk that way, and after a certain point I’m unable to make out a clear path. It starts to get dark, and I grew concerned that I may lose my way and not be able to find my way back. This was not so much an issue of survival, though those fears did kick in, but that of also meeting back up with him to make my way to the house where I would then impart the next day for my flight.

Is it all a test of faith, I think we did enter through the Door of Faith road… fears start to arise in my mind. Has he survived? What would I do if anything happened? Frustrated, I pace back to the upper part of the path, unsure of what is happening, as my mind plays out different scenarios and tries to figure out how to respond.

“Is this that story where it’s all Heaven on Earth, and then someone never comes back?” comes across my mind.

I had to fully surrender, returning to the spot we parted, invoking full faith that whatever is meant to happen will happen. Then, in that very moment, he reappears, smiling, having gone to the bottom portion of the waterfall, as I returned from the winding paths, coming to the ocean instead, reconvening just as the sun is setting.

“Wow. That is someone that truly cares. Thank you. What is the deepest essence of the lesson?” He asks, as we explore the gift within the shadow, aware of the auspiciousness of our walk back down the Door of Faith Road.

A potent conversation on the nature of trust and faith unfolds, of our ability to come to peace with what is, to find the balance in our mind and trust what wants to come through. Of how to abide in the knowingness that we are supported by a friendly universe.

“Just abide into the feeling. Thank you for feeling your fear. Know that as you allow that angelic light back into the source of the fear, you can get back into the Heaven on Earth space.” Jake says, channeling the Divine Truth. I stop, feeling the gravity of his character, bowing, as he bows to me, in a moment of mutual honor.

As we leave, again the signs of the Goddess appear, as we offer our playful reverence. We see a sign of an eco-retreat center, realizing that the very land of the village we crossed through in our hand written map was indeed a sacred space.

“Its the full the spectrum.” I say.

“Its all we come to embrace. To find our fearless grace.” He replies.

Characters Appearing

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