2020-6-23 – Sedona Vortex

“Sedona Vortex”

2020 – From Roots to Crown

Returning to the vortex of Sedona is a deeply enlightening experience, where I’m reminded of the magic of manifestation that originally spurred my desire to be on the Quest. To work with my vibration, traveling between the synchronicities, along the rainbow road to Heaven on Earth.

It was here in these sacred Lands that I first discovered the bridges to the New Paradigm; to the transformational festivals and eco-villages, retreats and temples. Where I found the One Tribe gathering all along the skin of Gaia.

Realms of Avalon

To have been granted sanctuary at the campsite appropriately called Avalon, in the previous chapter, reminds me of my relationship with the Land, with the sanctity and appreciation of how we all come from the Earth.

The ChocolaTree Portal

Heading to ChocolaTree, my lover Xarissa and I emerge with our desire for connection to the sacred community. This message appears scrawled in chalk as we rejuvenate with the high vibe alchemies of nourishment inside.

As I continue to invoke the abundance, seeing ganesh, the God of new beginnings, here with the money is a great sign.

And again the dragon guides the way. Our primal relationship with the elements.

Xarissa dreamt of our heart’s opening here, that grounding would land in our relationship. We would encounter wisdom as the embodiment of Sophia…

Connecting with the Tribe

Heading to a coffee shop, I encounter Luna, a sacred musician releasing her first single, with who I resonate in the sharing of our voice in service to the Tribe. She leads me to intersect with Ilup, the Ambrosia Alchemist, whose work I first seen online in Maui, through his connection with Cassandra Renee.

She holds the tone of expression, and he, of golden alchemy, as I sense their tones in the underscape of vibration. Inspiring me further on the journey, and reminding me of these aspects of the Sacred and True.

It’s beautiful to feature their sacred works here, opening a portal to the real magical world. I remember I am a Sacred Witness of our Collective Awakening.

A giant amethyst heart marks the way, a crystal ally that had often showed itself in my previous journey through these realms of Vision and Love.

We follow an invitation to an ecstatic dance at Cathedral Rock. Xarissa and I feeling the resonances of the Tribe, of our desire of deeper connection with the community.

+1 Manifestation!

Cathedral Rock

Arriving to Cathedral Rock is quite auspicious, as it was a sacred site I first heard of in my original trip to Sedona in 2015. An energetic powerspot where the masculine and feminine leylines flow into a vortex of union. To come here with Xarissa is a microcosm of the Whole, of our return to the Sacred Land.

As we ascend the stone path, the music can be heard, and we arrive to the top where the community is gathered. A warm hearted tone of belonging comes over me.

I meet a brother royal upon the sacred path, Jahan, who thanks me for my work with the Mythica. He had been shown through Katrina Armstrong, a mutual friend, who I had last seen in Austin passing through months prior and shown the timeline of the living story. He is also a close friend of Xarissa, and it clicks who I am talking to, as I too had heard of his nobility.

It’s appropriate, as he holds the chalice, remarking on seeing the path of sacred Union reflected in my own, of how we are all coming online to balance the Divine Masculine and Feminine. A holiness and auspiciousness paints the atmosphere with recognition, as he introduces me to brother John Hanna, who exclaims “Into the Mythica!” having also been synced up with it magically and discovered it recently.

Dancing with Xarissa, the shiva song, we flow tapped into the energies moving between us.

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It is a space of oneness and togetherness, where nothing can stop what is meant to be. The sharing of our energy in Unity, where all truth comes clean. Maybe, this is the only way we can be free, collectively. A reminder of our Divinity.

“It’s impossible for possibility not to happen again. We are One.” Jahan says to me just as we are leaving.

The Medicine Journey

The sun and the moon, a delicate balance of shiva and shakti, dancing the cosmic dance. Duality and Unity, freedom and connection, finding the growth edge between our desire and fulfillment.

“The cycles and circles, were all on this wild ride. To be courageous is human. To be loving is divine” – Mary Isis, these lyrics chanting throughout

The redemption of sexuality, the polarity of the masculine and feminine, is coming up in the Field. Seeing why it’s been “touch and go”, not wanting to create the distortions of the old. The holy Union of the new, being the Creation. Happening through relationships. seeing it reflected.

Wanted connection. Bringing through the codes of communion, at the Roundtable, the altar of life…. a vision of where we are all lifted up, the true lion king is equality with all. Wanting to invite, but feeling alone. Unsure of being received, led to old wounds.

“I am the Word. Your relationship with me is your relationship with the word.”

Xarissa’s own edge coming up around expressing through words, leading into seeing how it was a resistance to my style of being. Then my own resistance to hers, more open and surrendered in the deep feeling. “Why do anything?” She said. Discovering an opening to deep healing through the pain and frustration, where just as she recognized, we each carry the pieces to eachothers expansions.

Tears and intensity, facing it with honor and honesty, leading to healing the roots. Through it all, a Redemption, of why we were led to these lands, where the same themes had arisen for me in 2015. A full cycle resolution.

New Beginnings

Happiness and abundance, feeling freshly inspired as we are led to a Coffeehouse in a beautiful natural setting. There is interest in my work from the community wanting to be a part of what I’m offering, which expands into excitement in my heart.

Joy blossoms at being on the adventure. Of getting to refine our desires and practice the Art of Manifestation. To witness that as we tap in to what wants to come through, and follow the flow of impressions that arise, we are led to the fulfillment.

In wide eyed wonder,

I witness the wash of waves

Trials in Trust

We pack up camp to prepare for the next leg of the journey, and make our way towards California Coast. Tension arises around sharing my gifts, as the themes around community and scarcity arise. A feeling of being blocked, and unreceived.

Xarissa holds a priestess space of pure love, reflecting to me, “Embrace the Pain.” Where, I see us within the green garden as redeeming the very patterns that have been here throughout the timeline, and it’s all coming up in the Field.

I must surrender, and say “There is only shivas will. I am not in control.”

Meeting with Cassidy Phoenix

At this time, an invitation comes from a Goddess that I met at the cafe, Cassidy Phoenix, to come visit at the river. Our conversation was flush with shimmering light and remembrance, that we are each aspects of the World Tree, each connected by the intelligence that shapes the Universe. It was of no accident, but divine providence.

There we speak and reflect our shared lesson around pushing, based on not trusting, thrusting towards the goal of a New Paradigm, we ignore the Yin flow of our own Wholeness. She calls it “insistence”, and I bow to the quality channeling through her, the Divine messages that need to ground in for each of us. That we must be in the Art of Allowance, to be a balanced vessel of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, for that which wants to come through.

She offers us a reading from the Crystal Mandala Oracle. Of which I share the audio so you can join along our mystical conversation, that relates to what’s up in the Field of the Collective.

From the Divination with Cassidy

It was just the reminder that I needed. Sitting there on the river side, learning to a surrender a bit deeper, to breath more and love myself a bit more. Have more compassion for the process, alongside the understanding refined in the Sword of Clarity.

Meeting with the Father

That night I meet with my Father, Rob, and share with him the Mythica. He appreciates all the work we’ve done to map out the magic, and is proud of me for having the courage to follow the synchronicities. As we speak, there is this feeling of All our Relations. I am so thankful for after years of separation, that we could make this connection once again, and come to see how its all a part of the larger collective healing and awakening.

“You’re a wayshower,” He says. “All this going on.” He waves out to the world, “It’s what you make of it now.”

I can’t tell you how much this means to me. That Creator has lined up our paths for a greater purpose, and that we can come to forgive all that has come before to pave the way for healing of future generations. To be in relations that recognize that now is the time that we take responsibility, that we become the answer to our ancestors’ highest prayers.

Kicked Out of the Vortex

Going back up to 525, “the easy way”. The back and forth.

Talk of family, challenges in past lovers

Sex magic, shape shifting. Holding the Mother, into both being feminine.

Deep opening of vulnerable emotion. Wanted to become what she wanted.

She went into Processing of shame.

Xarissa’s subconscious wakes me in dreaming

“There’s something in the physical.” She says holding her stomach

Dream was about source coming into form to birth the new world

We wake at the same time, something feels off. Invasion and fear energies, intensity channeling through her from the vortex of the land. Feeling “this is not me”, me holding space and it moving a bit

Moving on, pushed out of Sedona. Almost returned to Camp Avalon, then Knowing it was time to leave Sedona. Head to Ponderosa pine forest in Flagstaff and camp, deep need of rest

On the Road Again

As we sat in the small oriental restaurant, I didn’t know where the money would come from, as I contemplated being at the last of my funds. So, I came back to my vibration, holding the tone of the expansive abundance coming to me, shifting into Receiving Mode. I surrender it, as I go the bathroom, coming back to see this golden buddha.

I take it as a sign. Sitting down, I immediately know who to ask for support, and am sent $180.

We walk around the block, and dance to some music at the cafe, tuning into a juicy flow. I witness this frame of Xarissa, using a mini version of the bigger library. Accessing the big through the small.

Not sure where we are going to go for the night, in desire for rest and relaxation, for a shower and laundry. As we are about to go into how to get there, I remind her of starting with the feeling. We sit on the bench… practicing the vibration of Being It, of it already happening. Feeling the clean, the rejuvenation, as I see a tiled floor bathroom with a tub, and start to get glimpses of envisioning a bohemian villa oasis, maybe on AirBnB.

Right after, I have the inspiration to look up nearby showers, and this leads us to “Little America”, a rest-stop where we discover private showers we can rent with full on clean tiled bathroom with a tub! Just like my vision! Not only that, just around the corner is the laundromat, so we don’t even have to leave, and we are hungry, only to find veggie burgers served there, where we are able to chill in an empty room just as nice as a hotel and watch a show while we relax. All within the same building.

That night we camp in the ponderosa forest again, waking up refreshed to hit the road once again.

We zip down route 66, and along the way I see this.

Appropriate, is the mermaid appearing, as I begin to see more the Priestess of Water within Xarissa.

“Let’s go to the ocean!” She exclaims as we arrive to the coast of California, skipping across the sand. I’m exhausted, and she brings me into her embrace, through her loving energetic touch helping me access the realms of Yin, where I’m again kissed by Shakti, the elements dancing together in harmony… where I can feel the rejuvenation of the wind and sea, the soothing and sanctity.

Mary’s Oasis

The manifestation of the fountain within this oasis reminds me of the Magician’s Oasis.

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Characters Appearing

Xarissa Alexsondra


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