The Magic of Social Calendar by CoSchedule
Blessings seekers 🙂 As part of the “business of myth” category of posts where I talk about what products and services i’ve divined as the…
Sögubekkr The River-Bench of Stories Nestled within the Akasphere, where the sands of time meet the waters of memory, Sögubekkr is the mythic seat of…
peterfae posted a new post. 5 days ago
Bound to the Tree: An Edda of Sight and SacrificeThere is no simple way to explain what it is to live inside a myth. It is not a matter of believing in legends, nor…
peterfae posted a new post. 5 days ago
Ashland - A Nexus of the MythicaI have great fondness for the town of Ashland, Oregon. Most people, when they look at Ashland, see a charming town nestled in the foothills…
peterfae posted a new post. 6 days ago
Flickers and ShiftingFull transparency? I’m still reeling from the punches. From the endless shifting from one position to another and somehow coming into place. At least, it…
peterfae posted a new post. 6 days ago
Akashic Synesthesia - A Divergent PerspectiveI have a divergent perspective, something that’s part synesthesia and part awareness of the akasha, that sees things as geometries of wyrd gravity through space.…
peterfae posted a new post. a week ago
The Magician and the Childe - Facing the FearsSo many things come to clarity with a reading – with the way the cards fall and the fingers that hold them to the sacred…
peterfae posted an update a week ago
Sitting with Ishadai here in the mountains. Just received more abundance. Things have opened and are continuing to open!!!
peterfae posted an update a week ago
A word comes to me as I awaken alongside a vision of working with Midjourney to show the primal elements doing Shakespeare in the Akasha theatre. The word is Arete –
Arete (Ancient Greek: ἀρετή, romanized: aretḗ) is a concept in ancient Greek thought that, in its most basic sense, refers to ‘excellence’ of any kind—especially a person or thing’s…
peterfae posted a new entry. 2 weeks ago
mythlexiaMythlexia Definition: Mythlexia is a mythopoetic way of perceiving and learning, where reality itself is processed through the lens of story, archetype, synchronicity, and mythic…
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