monocarnate and transcarnate

Mythipedia Entry – Monocarnate and Transcarnate
The journey of the soul happens across many lifetimes. Across many bodies. By understanding how we are recycled through the cycles of Nature we gain a glimpse into the karmic landscapes which underlie our stories.
To understand our journey to a more heavenly earth we must look beyond the viewpoint of our single lifetime into something larger, into the cycles of Nature and how our life and legend are part of that greater thing – part of the very substance of the Universe herself, for it is in these cycles of nature, in the recognition of the bigger pattern behind our lives that we come to see the fractal of that pattern that is our life and it’s legend – our journey across the space between the stars and the soil of Life.

Like all the aspects of the mystic arts, this is an understanding based on awareness – on our awareness of the subtle energies which define our existence. It transcends tradition by it’s very nature, for Nature is the basis of traditions themselves, and it is our awareness of Nature in her majesties that we learn the landscape of our path and purpose.
In this context, when we see that our journey through the cycles of the mortal plane occur across a larger canvas than a single body and it’s lifetime, we see that the landscape of that journey, the landscape of our sacred path itself is made from more than a single life – it is a spiral that moves across the very stage of time and space, a movement which defines our evolution across a carousel of shifting faces
How this applies to your Path and Land

In the framework of the World Tree we realize that our life, that the very elements of nature which make up our self and it’s story are part of the cycles of life our perspective changes. Something within us aligns, coming into proper alignment with the nature of Nature.

This is the basis for the word ‘karma’, which refers to the physics of action and consequence. It is the understanding, the structural understanding of your story as it relates to the substance of the planet, to what it means to be mortal at it’s very core.
Look at the image. Not at the monk, but at the Tree and the Water. In this is the very essence of Life.
Our existence happens in between the Tree and the Water. Between the Tree of Life and the Aether that makes up the clay of the creation. To make our way deeper into the Mythica, we must understand the nature of Nature – understand the Tree and the Water.
Here the idea that we have more than one lifetime parallels the idea that our singular idea of a self is in fact a cell in the much larger organism of the planet, that what we experience as our self and it’s story is just a pattern in that planet, which is itself a pattern in the substance of the Universe herself. And life is all about patterns – about our recognition of the patterns in our lives and how to transform them.
Think of it in terms of octaves. Of different scalings of the same basic pattern. What we experience as our personal life and it’s journey of self-inquiry is a certain scale of a thing, like a droplet of water looking through itself. A community or a family is just a larger version of that same thing, a collection of droplets which exist in a current. Take that a bit larger and you have a culture, a nation or something similar, itself a small wave upon the ocean. Go further still and you have an Age, a period of many cultures, many nations, many communities, families and individualities, a larger wave on the sea.
Such is the nature of impermanence. The recognition that change is the only constant in our universe, that the energy that creates our reality is never destroyed, it merely changes form from one shape to another – icebergs of form in an ocean of endless water.
It’s a big concept … or perhaps it seems so depending on the scale in which we look at it, for the ocean and it’s waves, the waves and their currents, the droplets of divinity within those currents that make up our selves and their stories are all one singular thing – it is only our viewpoint which changes. Our ability to perceive and receive the deeper dimensions of Nature and our place within her.