prime elements

Mythipedia Entry – Prime Elements
To understand our Quest into a more expansive World, we must take a good look at the nature of our reality. At the substance and structure of all things. At the most primal level, our reality is made of vibrations. All things within our Universe are made of this, including our very selves, the thoughts we think, the beliefs we have, everything.

On the most fundamental level of form, everything in the Creation is made from five basic qualities. Primal elements that give rise to all the forms, all the myths and meanings, all the worlds and galaxies and realities that exist. These qualities are the Water element, Fire element, Air element, Earth element and Ether element.
As we come to understand this, we gain a better vantage on the nature of distinction, that we are unique parts of a much larger system of vibrational forms. What defines the difference between different people? Different places? Different experiences? As everything in the Universe is made of vibration, what are the specific vibrations that create those kinds of forms? After all, a chair is not a body of Water. A Fire is not an electric car. I am not the same as You. You are not the same as me.

Everything is made from something
Most traditions of the old paradigm recognized the four basic elements that make up the Creation – Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Yet there is a Fifth Element which organizes the other four, and that is Space, also known as Ether. To truly understand the nature of the Path as it moves through time and space, we must deepen our perception to perceive this element, to see the element of Space which holds Earth, Air, Water and Fire in it’s domain.
While in many spiritual circles there is the focus on ‘We are all One’, in the Mythica we pay close attention to the reality that we are simultaneously a unified field of consciousness and an endless variety of distinctive forms happening across a canvas of Time and Space. As we come to look at it this way, we see that while we are all part of the same vibrational field, there are very specific constructs of vibration that make up our unique and beautiful selves, and for that matter, all aspects of the Creation.
Realities are made from the Prime Element
When we understand that the five elements make up all the forms in the Creation, this includes the many realms and realities that we experience on our journey, as well as the many conscious and subconscious patterns which make up our individual personality and it’s timeline of adventure.